
In canada we get a year off for maternity leave...paid, where are you from and how long do you get off?

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In canada we get a year off for maternity leave...paid, where are you from and how long do you get off?




  1. Indiana- Depending on the dr.  6 weeks for vaginal delivery and 8 weeks for c section.  Unless he has released you, you can't return to work.

  2. Well I left my job completely when I was pregnant with my daughter.  However, here in Florida you get 12 weeks and it is only paid if your employer pays it or allows you to use any banked up sick or Holiday pay.  They are legally required to give you that time off only if you have been a regular employee with at least 1 year of employment with that company. Some employers can decide to give you more time, but that is their decision not the law.  

  3. It needs to be understood that in Canada, we aren't paid by our employers, we are paid through unemployment.

  4. Wow - that is so lucky. I wish I got paid maternity leave for a year! I'm in the US and standard time off is 6 weeks, with the top time being 12 weeks but not all paid. In the US the employers don't have to offer paid time off for maternity leave.

  5. I'm in the US and employers are not required to pay us during maternity leave.  They are only required to hold our positions for up to 6 months in a year while out on family leave.  They can require that we take any paid vacation time before using the family leave.

  6. 3 months - North Carolina, however I think I am going to attempt to get on short-term disability right before its due and then try the FMLA.  

  7. United States.  I believe we get one month off, but with no pay.  Sorry to say but United States sucks when it comes to medical insurance.  All the way form private to government ran.  Canada has a much, VARY MUCH Better Health Coverage.  But then again so does Cuba, England and there are many other countries I can name who has better health coverage then the GOOD O'L US of A

  8. Texas, 6 weeks no! :[

  9. I am in New Jersey. Since I work for my local county government I get approximately 5 1/2 months off (4 weeks before and then 18-20 weeks after the delivery). Six weeks of this is paid, but only as disability pay which is like $150 a week. The rest is unpaid and more just to secure my job will be here when I return.

  10. In the US, if you work for a company for at least a year and that company has at least 50 employees, you are entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid leave, and your company has to hold your job for you. (Family Medical Leave of Absence). If you don't qualify for FMLA, your company isn't required to hold your job while you're out. Some companies give paid maternity leave, but most do not.  

  11. I think Canada is the best place for it. But it is only 55% pay rate, right? Thats what it was when I lived there, which was only...2 years ago.

  12. Michigan 12 weeks no pay :( At the place I work, you have to work there for 2 years before you are offered paid maternity leave and then it's only 50% of your pay. I havent worked there long enough to get paid

  13. I live in Canada, and you only get 50 weeks paid. EI makes you wait 2 weeks for your benefits. You also must have 900 hours of work within the last 12 months to be eligible for paid leave.

    At my husband's work, they pay the men 55% of their paycheque for parental leave, but the women get 75% of their paycheque. Personally, I believe it is unfair and discriminatory..what happens if a man's wife dies in childbirth, right? Should he not get the same amount the mom would have gotten?

    Anyway, I'm glad my husband's job pays so well. I've been on "leave" for 17 months now and plan to stay on leave until my youngest starts school.

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