
In case of emergency, is it teacher's responsibility to help the student evacuate or protect students?

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For example, in a lvl 8 earth quake, is it legal for the teacher to leave the students in the classroom and leave the building alone?

also, is there any difference between elementary/middle/high school teacher and college instructor?

last question, in case of involvement of firearms, is it legal for the teacher to leave the classroom? for example, in a school shooting, the teacher hears a gun shot, and he/she runs away, and left the students by themselves in the classroom.




  1. I believe in the case of public schools (el, mid, and high) the teacher is obligated to stay with the students and direct them where to go and what to do.  In our school we have drills often so that in case of emergency the teacher doesn't freak out and leave the students alone.  Same thing with the firearms.  In that case, the teacher should immediately bring in any students from the hall, close and lock the door, direct students to their specific place and perhaps call the office to report what is happening.  It differs from school district to school district.  In every case the teacher should remain with the students.  I think any teacher who bolted would be fired.

  2. In a fire drill,  you are supposed to evacuate, with the knowledge that the kids should leave the room too. That's why we say, "last person out turn out the lights and close the door. " When you get outside, you take attendance to be sure everyone is accounted for. Different school districts may have different policies, however in my school district, that is the procedure.

    I also think it depends on the grade level. If you are teaching young students (K-3) I would be sure they are all out. You never know where those kindergarteners could be hiding when they get scared of loud noises (bell).

    Earthquake-don't leave kids alone in the room

    Firearms-don't leave kids alone in the room-communicate via phone in your room

    Differences-yes, once they are over the age of 18, they are legal adults! You are no longer responsible.

  3. It is the teacher's responsibility to assist students with the emergency procedure.  I can't imagine a responsible teacher running out of the room to run away from the danger.  The teacher needs to make sure that all of the students are accounted for and are in a safe place.  Our emergency procedures specifically state that we have to stay with the students to make sure that they are where they need to be.  

    I don't know how it works at the college level, but I can't imagine a professor "running away".  First of all, running out into the hallway would be the WORST mistake.  Second of all, the professor has a responsiblity to follow emergency procedures (which I would imagine would include maintaining student safety to the best of their ability).

  4. In elementary, middle, and high school, this responsibility is on the teacher, because the students involved are not adults. Once college hits, the rules can change, but is dependent upon the institution in question.

    No, they should not leave the building ahead of students, or abandon students. Ideally in any case, but college professors have their own discretion.

  5. A teacher is responsible for thee safety of every student.  It might be different in a college level class.  It wouldn't make any difference if there were an earthquake or a fire or a showdown with shotguns in the hallway.  The teacher is morally obligated to take care of the students (even the really obnoxious 7th graders:-)) whenever there is any kind of threat.  Teachers purchase insurance to protect themselves from lawsuits, so I would assume there are legal ramifications for abandoning the students as well.

  6. a teacher should never  abandon  the students

    the difference between elementary/H.s and College is

    the College instructor makes more money and had to go to College for at least their MAsters degree

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