
In case of eventual war in Iran (where I am living in the moment), will I be...?

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able to go back to my own country (Bulgaria) during the war?




  1. I would take action to move now....won't be long and Israel will bomb any expected nuclear facitlity or long range ballistic facility.....

  2. Probably not. This country will be on a high alert.

  3. i would say know because mr bush will just say you talk funny and he doesnt like to be confused

    and here is the hypocrisy of it all:

    in 1953, under the orders of president eisenhower (who also ordered the bombings of nagasaki and hiroshima, a disgrace), the cia and us army went into iran, removed the democratically elected prime minister mossadeq, despite massive outcries in his support by the iranians

    we then install the shah, a dictator

    to do this, the cia bombs a cleric's home to frame Moassadeq and turn the islamic population against him

    the cia then taught n**i torture techniques to the iranian secret police (savak)

    the shah then does all he can to gain support for the west in iran

    and now that they have a semi-democratically elected man, even though hes nuts, we want to nuke the f*****k out of them, just so we can protect our butt buddy, israel, who by the way be taught torture techniques to, which they used on palestinians

    israel has 40 nukes, they can take care of themselves its surprising that a racist fascist like gw would love jews so much

    eliminate religion, eliminate the problems

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