
In case of "anything" can that woman run America?

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I know for sure that in case of anything America trusts Biden and then of course Hill can always come back




  1. she would be like a chicken with it's head cut off

  2. Yes She can!

    Can Obama?

  3. AMERICA at large does not trust Biden. Sorry to burst your bubble on that hunch.  Hillary is flushed. "That woman" has a name by the way.

  4. I question that too... she just had a baby... and now she feels she can run a 6 member family with a newborn baby and america. Im all about women power but that just doesnt feel right...Out of all the experienced republican women mccain chooses someone who he only met once and feels she can run this country if something happens to him.... does he even care about america or is it just his political party?

  5. 9% Congress approavel raing!!!

    America wants to get rid of the Joe Bidens of the world

    Why do you tink OBama is so popular? He's not old Washington, why would he tie a rock around his neck (Joe Biden)

  6. Yes she can. She has had executive experience.  

  7. I doubt it highly.

  8. I agree with you. Palin is a sick token joke.  

  9. Like all Alaskans, most of us have been glued to the news media watching with amazement as Sarah Palin got tagged as McCain’s vice presidential running mate. Local radio talk shows are all a-buzz. Alaskans are a mix of amused, horrified, and bewildered. Even the conservatives are amused, enthusiastic, horrified and bewildered. No one is really sure how this happened, or what to make of it. Citing the fact that she was the mayor of Wasilla 2 years ago in her list of “executive experience” doesn’t even pass the giggle test in Alaska. Palin does have supporters here in the state, but even many of them are doubting whether she can cut it in the Veep slot. Alaskans have said they feel sorry for her, because they like her but she’s obviously being “used” and is way over her head. Local politicians are fiercely divided. Those who like her are generally appointees who are locally referred to as “Palin-bots” and have drawn comparisons to George Bush’s idealogical croneys. Many, Democrats and Republicans, are fierce opponents.

    That's the consensus about Sarah here on the home front - Wasilla.

    Hey!!  What's this about Moosebutt, Alaska?  I've got this great view of Denali from my LR window, unlike any other.

    Knock it off or I'll send you a can of pickled moose balls. LOL

    Ok, minding my manners parapsyd and I agree with you ONLY on the very last statement you made though.

  10. In case of getting elected, can Obama run America?  That's all that stands in his way.  A decent amount would have to happen for Palin to be President.

    I put more stock in her ability to function as vice president than in his ability to function as President.

    Biden could run the country.  I don't agree with most of his policies, but he could do it.  The key here is that Biden isn't trying to run the country; Obama is.

  11. Maybe, maybe not but she is the backup choice where Obama is being offered as the primary choice. So if she can't run the US (with her limited experience) than Obama (with no experience) certainly can't do it either.

    Dems should remember that attacks on Palin's experience is an argument against a vote for Obama.

  12. Well she ran a small town in Moosebutt, Alaska. What's the difference between that and running America?

  13. Yes!  She has plenty experience.  I believe running a state is better experience than being a senator- 2years or 40 years don't matter.

  14. No. Palin can't run anything except a small town with less than 700,000 people.

  15. Yes, she sure can. You just wait for the VP debates, then you come back and tell me what you think. She isn't called a barracuda for nothing. McCain/Palin 2008.

  16. She has run a State, while Obama has only run for President.^

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