
In cases of Rape and Incest?

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should a person be allowed to get an abortion?

Did you know Palin is against abortion EVEN in the case of RAPE and INCEST?




  1. Did you know Obama is for abortion EVEN when the baby is born?

  2. Who are innocent when a rape has been committed? The person being raped and the resulting child. Who is guilty? The rapist only. Who should be punished, die? Only the rapist. Why would you destroy the child? He/she is innocent. If you decide not to raise it ,you can adopt it away. I know it is not easy to be pregnant with a child like this, but would it make you happier if you destroyed the innocent?

  3. i bet mccain and palin are people of god WHO THINK ABORTION IS MURDER DUUUR

  4. Yes, and by the way, tha't what McCain believe also

  5. if someone was raped and ended up pregnant from it i think that they should be allowed to abort. what if that child has every physical feature of the rapist. they would only be a reminder to the victim that they had been raped. they would see the perpetrator every day of their lives and possibly resent that child.

       if a person ends up pregnant from incest, then by all means: they shouldn't be sleeping with family and GOD is against that. who gives a rat's *** what palin thinks. She is just a stupid stupid person running.

       if you were raped by a family member then you have the perpetrator right there to press charges against.  pregnancy is a big issue. and if you were raped and not willing to keep the child. the choice should be yours. abortion is not illegal. no matter what other PEOPLE think if you are american, remember this is the land of the free.  or so they say. make the choice that best suits your needs. it's your body, your child and your choice.  

  6. Yes, I knew that.  Did you know that the number of pregnancies resulting from such an event are vanishingly small, and that Palin can't overturn Roe V Wade?  

  7. Yes they should that why i am voting for the pro choice candidates

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  8. / Neither Sen. McCain, nor Gov. Palin (as well as myself) are for an abortion.

    In cases of rape or incest, the baby does not need to be punished for the acts of the father, so if it isn't wanted, it could be put up for adoption (not killed).


  9. How dare anyone other than myself tell me I must give birth to a child of rape. Even if you give the baby up for adoption, you still have to carry that baby to term with a constant reminder that you were violated in the worst way possible! That is the most insane thing ever.

    If abortion becomes illegal again women will resort to back alley abortions like they did in the past. Women who are desperate will always find ways to abort, legal or not. Why would anyone (especially a woman!) want to make somebody make a choice like that???  I think her views are ignorant.

    Being raped is tragic enough, I could not even begin to imagine how it would feel to carry a product of that rape inside of me.

  10. She's religious. Why don't people understand religion?

    For the record, I'm against g**s no matter what the reason given for it.  

  11. Personally I think that abortion is your choice. Especially in cases of rape and incest a women should have the choice to do what she wants with her body.

  12. I think they should be allowed in any case.  

  13. Doesn't matter what they think, they will never be able to do anything about it!!! Otherwise people will end up harming themself!!!  

  14. I believe that if EC doesn't work, they should be able to get an abortion.  Because if they have the baby, the mother will have to deal with either living with and/or knowing she gave life to something she hated. And then  the child would eventually find out that they were the product of rape/incest and that's never good for the mental sanity.  

  15. It would be a laugh if her daughter had an abortion.

  16. Seems like a loaded question, but before it gets to the point of abortion there is a Plan B.  The morning after pill prevents the single cell from embedding in the uterus, by causing the lining to naturally shed.... that happens all the time without the pill, and the egg and sperm are simply flushed out.  Drinking, stress, and environment cause it happen all the time.  Is that abortion too?

  17. I don't think that she is a victim of that. And on that subject, I believe this type of decision is heart-felt and must be thought out. I know of a lady who was raped and had her son. She loves him very much, and their lives are great. But some people may not be able to live with that knowing that their child was not a product of love, but of hurt and control. d**n, that was a deep question.  

  18. Yes, I do know. Views like hers are a menace. Every child should be a choice.

  19. I'm personally and very recently pro-life.

    And yes, I did know that. Which is unfortunate in the case of incest at the very least, considering the mutations, both genetically and physically, that might arise in the baby.  

  20. yes, but if Palin and McCain are running the show then no.

  21. Palin is against abortion full stop.  She is TOO extreme in her views.  She also wants to teach creationism in schools.

  22. It's not the babies fault. Adoption.

  23. A person is "allowed" to can an abortion regardless of rape or incest, so what does it matter what someone thinks? Abortion is a settled legal issue, settled by the USSC. Even if Roe was overtuned, which it won't be, it is still legal in all the states.

    Abortion is a non-issue.

    I'm considering voting for Obama despite some of his beliefs I disagree with. If someone is against abortion in any case, it's THEIR belief.

    As Americans, we can believe, think, and say what we want, but that won;t change the law.

  24. It was not the baby's fault that it was conceived in that way, but not the mothers either.


  25. Yes, I did, And so am I. Once again, it is NOT that baby's fault that it was conceived in such a way, so it should NOT have to die.

  26. I honestly cannot believe some of these answers.  How dare anyone tell a women she must carry a baby after such an abomination, esp. a man!  How dare they!!??

    This c**p pisses me OFF!  It is a right that women have, and NONE of these ppl have ever been a victim of rape that resulted in a pregnancy, so who r they to say what is right or wrong.  I think any women either a commoner like myself or a politician should ever say such a thing.  Shame on Palin for not giving a F about women!

  27. I think that they should be allowed no matter what the reason but I don't agree with people who use abortion as their birth control!

  28. a baby's conception doesn't change the fact that it is a baby.  a baby should be killed depending on who its father is?

    figure that one out and justify a baby's murder.

  29. You know years ago I spoke with a person concerning this same thing, asking the question if they felt that abortion in the cases of rape or incest, because my beliefs were it was not right to punish a person in such cases, the response was "So you would punish the innocent un-born child instead".

    My now ex was gang raped and became pregnant from it and had the child, a very beautiful little girl, precocious, impish, smart as a whip, having had the opportunity to be around this little girl and her mother for a time I have to ask would things have been better if she had been aborted because one of the parents committed a crime. You look into this little girls eyes and tell me you would rather see her dead and I'll tell you I'd rather see you dead.

  30. Explain how the manner of conception makes a child anything less than human?

    Your belief that rape or incest warrants the murder of a person is feudal, caste-systematic, archaic, and inhumane.

    Rather, lets cut the manhood off any man who rapes or molests a woman. And lets give this innocent, blameless child all the opportunities guaranteed by the Constitution.

  31. In those cases I do think they should even though Im prolife, and in cases where the mothers life is in danger. I do think that rape /incest should have to be proven, not just because the woman or one Dr say so. Im never comfortable killing a baby, but in those cases Im not comfortable telling that woman too bad.

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