
In chennai, when is the compulsory Helmet rule getting implemented, pls reply with exact date.. Thankz?

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In chennai, when is the compulsory Helmet rule getting implemented, pls reply with exact date.. Thankz?




  1. Mandatory helmet rule will be implemented in June-dunno the exact date--but if i were U--i wud start it rite away--if u cud buy a 40k bike or a 100k rupees bike--i think u cud invest in a thousand lousy bucks for a helmet--and dont wait for ur friends to start up the action--u b the leader-cos open ur eyes--read d papers--ppl die every single day on the roads and its usually fatal when they hit the spot without the helmet-then u end up paying for the rest of ur life--sumtimes without an appendage--prehaps without an arm or a leg--i dont wanna sound graphic but reality stinks-pls open ur eyes--we love u chennaites--dont wanna lose more of u

  2. June 1 2007

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