
In chess a bishop or knight which is important for you?

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don't say according to situation .




  1. Both of them are of equal power. It depends on the position of the game as to which of them is more advantageous.

    As a thumb rule, generally, Knights are used in the start-game, Bishop in the middle-game, and Rooks play a vital role in the end-game.

    At a particular point of game, both the Bishops may not be useful. If the opponent's pawn structure is so that one of your bishop can not be placed where it's attacking, then its better to sacrifice it for a Knight or Bishop.

  2. Although they're both worth 3 points, they both have their pros and cons. A bishop is more helpful in the endgame, as it can "snipe" from far corners, and reach all over the board. However, the knight is better in the begining, where pieces crowd the chess board and the knight can just jump over them. Personally, I prefer the knight, as I can win over 15+ points in one game with just check-forks. :P

  3. But it depends on the pawns.

    Usually a Bishop, but if it is behind pawns stuck on its color it is only a tall pawn, and a knight is better.

  4. I think it really depends on the player using the piece.  Some folks use them to the best of their ability with some great moves.  Others don't.

  5. The knight is the most important to me.  It is a very sneaky and trickier piece.  Most people can't see that it attacks in eight different directions at once from the center of the board (where I like to keep mine).  GM Maurice Ashley once told me that it was the galloping ghost of the chessboard.  It is my favorite piece and I use it all the time.  Thanks for asking.

  6. i prefer the knight

  7. The knight 8is inportant in the start of the game and the bishop is more inportant in the end of the game

  8. My personal preference is the bishop, but it really depends on the position, who your playing, and what you need to accomplish.

  9. for me its the knight because it can move the L move that the queen can't do..

  10. The biggest determing factor.. for me anyways.. is how many pieces are on the game board. In the early stages of the game.. the Knight is more powerful because the pieces it threatens will have less "escape routes" due to the crowded nature of the game board. In the end game.. the Bishop is more powerful because less pieces on the game board result in a stronger range of attack for the piece. Overall in the course of the game.. both are equally important.. but then againn EVERY piece is important in the game.

  11. I can't answer this question, since you asked me to not give the answer I would have given.

    A good chess player doesn't place a value on ANY piece.  It DOES depend upon the situation.  I could create a situation where a pawn is more imporant that a queen!

    Bishops are better in open positions.

    Knights are better in closed positions.

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