
In college, what is the difference between a hall dorm and a suite dorm?

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and what exactly is a hall dorm?




  1. Each school will be different, so look at their websites or ask someone from the school/s you are looking at.

    A suite means there is more than one room, usually a group from 4-12 with a common living area, kitchen, and bathroom with bedrooms for 1-3 people.

    I am assuming a hall dorm would be the "traditional" dorm, with 2-3 person bedrooms down a hall with a communal (shared) bathroom.

    The hall ones are usually cheaper but can really stink to live in. Suites are usually reserved for upperclassmen. At my school the freshmen dorms are hall dorms and upperclassmen get the suites/ apartments, but there are freshmen/transfer suites there and it is possible to get into them as a freshmen if there is extra space.

  2. A suite dorm is a really awesome place that you love to hang out and crash with your buds :p

  3. At my university a hall dorm would be the dorm that has 2-3 people per room. there is your bed, your desk, your drawers etc. Small space. The bathroom was in down the hall and was shared by 40 of us.

    In the suite there was three of us to a room, we had a walk in closet, and we were connected to another room through a bathroom so only 6 people shared the bathroom. Bigger space.

    Check out each schools residential life website to get a feel for the different styles.  

  4. A hall dorm is a building - ususally in the shape of a U or H and on every floor there are 4 halls (about) that have dorm rooms off of them - so you walk in and the doors all the way down the halls lead to a room.  The bathrooms (usually 2 per floor) are shared (like 5 stalls, 10 sinks, and 6 showers, or so), there is a kitchen area that is shared and usually a lounge area shared - there are about 50 or so people per floor.  2 people per room.

    A suite dorm means that as you go down the hall the doors open to a suite - usually you walk into a living room area, there is a kitchen area there too, and 3 rooms which you share with a roomate.  There are usually 2 bathrooms.  This means you share all that with 6 people.

    The hall dorms are a lot less expensive, and a great way to meet new people - you will get to know all the people on your floor and maybe on other floors too.

    In a suite, it's often people who have been there one year or more already, but don't want the expense of an apartment.  Sometimes it's foreign exchange students who have been there a year already.

    Either way you never know who your roomate will be, and to me, it's easier to get along with one roomate and avoid anyone you don't like on your floor, then try to get along with 6 people.

    Good luck.

  5. A suite dorm sounds like it's nicer, you'd live in a suite with other people. A hall dorm would be like the dorms you see on TV, a bunch of people sharing a floor, with 2-4 people per room(check with your college to see how many people would share a room). A suite would probably be 3-4 rooms and possibly a common room behind a door.

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