
In college.. how to afford a trip/save money?

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Currently I am in my 3rd year of college. I am one of those people who feel like something "bad" is going to happen, and will have to spend all of my money out of my bank account. I just wanted to know everyone's opinion about how to pay for a beach trip that is coming up/about my current financial state.

Savings- $4,000

Credit card debt- $750- min monthly payment $15

Student Loan (can be paid off after college)- $900

Car Loan- $6,400- monthly payment $180

I am working this summer and should be paid around $1,200 in the next few weeks. My beach trip is going to cost about $800. Should I pay my credit card (is at 0% interest until November) off with the summer money I spent, or use it to pay for the trip? I want to get rid of credit card, but also want to keep money in savings.. will have to personally spend around $500 on books when classes start back up. Anyways any opinions are greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone!




  1. I hope my suggestion could be helpful.And here is resource that I am used to use.Check it out.

  2. I'd pay off the card and try not to use it.

    Then look into ways to cut costs on the beach trip. (camping, ride share etc). Cut costs at home..ride a bike when you can instead of driving. Recycle pop bottles and cans.

    Find stuff you aren't using anymore and sell it on or ebay.

    Take an 2nd job for a few weeks to help on vacation money.  But do go on vacation.

    You've got the rest of your life to be a grind.

    Make sure to keep unscheduled time in your life.

  3. Hi,

    I used "Credit Solution" to settle my debt and avoid bankruptcy.They managed to reduce my debt up to 58%.I came across this company on NBC News Special Edition.Check it out here:

  4. Why the h**l do you have $750 in credit card debt if you have $4k in the bank!?!?!?!

    pay off the d**n debt before you even look at a picture of the beach!  why the h**l don't you have a problem paying 20% interest on a credit card when you can afford to pay it off?

    if anything ever did happen to your savings, you can always just run up the card again.  but in the mean time you're hurting your credit and throwing money down the drain at the same time!

  5. Drop out of college.

    It'll save you tons.

  6. here is my advice, I would pay off your debt before you decide to go on any vacation. Then I would save up money and invest it. There is no rush to go to the beach you'll just be worrying about your finances anyway. You'll get more gratification if you wait...

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