
In college(if you are going to an great one)are there alot of presentations?

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In college(if you are going to an great one)are there alot of presentations?




  1. Yes. I go to a decent University and I had to do my share of presentations. It also depends on the class and professor. If your taking a speech class (some colleges like mine forces you to take one) then yes you would have a lot of presentations for 1 class. Some professor require you to do at least a presentation on your project.

    It also depends on your class size. If there are a lot of student in your class then you are less likely to have to give a presentation because there are too many students and not enough time.

    Just be prepared to give a presentation. I'm in college and i still get nervous. So nervous that i start sweating and don't make sense, but i still manage an "A". Don't forget that most students are in the same ballpark as you so they will show a lot of sympathy.  

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