
In contact lens cases, over night do you leave the cap on?

by  |  earlier

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Probably a stupid question, but I just my contacts today. I'm supposed to take them out every night (I've got that part covered) but the little cases you put them in... I know you fill them with solution and leave the contacts in them but do you leave the caps on or off overnight?




  1. Put the lid on the case when the lenses are being stored. Otherwise you could bump the lens case and lose the lenses. In the morning after you put the contacts on you can run the case under hot water and let it dry with the lids off. Then they won't get all gunky with the contact lens solution.

  2. yeppers and make sure to wash out the case every moring

  3. Put the caps on anytime you have your contacts in them!

  4. Yes, leave the caps on overnight.  After you put your contacts in in the morning, rinse the case out with contact solution and let the case air dry open during the day.  Use new solution each night.  Never use tap water on your case or your contacts.  Replace the case every three months.

  5. you should put the caps on basically always. The solution is in it, as well as your contacts and it wouldn't be too pretty if it was to drop, then you might lose them.

  6. put the cap on so that your contacts won't dry out. when you put them in in the morning wash out the case with hot water and let dry. use fresh solution every time you take them out.

  7. ingnore answerer #2...NEVER put water in your contact lens case! Tap water has lead and other chemicals in it, and you obviously don't want those chemicals in your eyes....

    Leave your contacts in their case overnight (or when you don't wear them), and then when you are wearing them, rinse off the inside of the case with some of the Lens Solution (whatever brand you use) and leave it open to dry. Once you are going to use the case again, rinse off the case with some more of the Lens Solution to rid it of any dust that might have gotten on it, pour that solution out, pour more solution into it, and put your contacts in it.

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