
In correlation to Clinton and Palin, what would be the reason why Hillary supporters switch to McCain?

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Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin on the issues. Links provided

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  1. Believe it or not, some people would vote for McCain, just so they can see a woman in the White House.  Some of them would vote blindly, giving their vote simply because she's a woman.    

    Not that I don't want to see a woman in the White House, quite the contrary- I would be THRILLED.  

    However, it must be the right candidate.  I would have voted for Hilary, but there is no way possible that Palin has enough experience to be the President if something happens to McCain.  

  2. I cannot imagine a Hillary supporter voting for McCain because of Palin.  They might just stay home, however.

  3. The same reason 95% of blacks in this country are voting for Obama.  He is their peep and breaks the color barrier and many Democrats argued that the color of Obama was the only reason needed for minorities to vote for him.  Using same logic all Women should vote for Palin on the McCain-Palin ticket.  She breaks the "glass ceiling" and that's all that is needed, right?

  4. Clinton drew a lot of support from working class voters- men and women- not just feminists. Lots of these voters will be drawn to a woman who has worked her way up in state politics while raising a family and helping her husband in the family business. The fact that the media and the Obama campaign are using sexist criticisms against her will just strengthen her support from women who are on the fence.  

  5. It's sickening to hear that people won't vote Obama just because Hillary's out. Why? Why on earth would you vote for a party that has not one common policy with the woman they all claimed to love and support so? They're devaluing everything that Hillary stood and stands for because they are either voting for her because of her lady parts or because of her surname. It's a shame. Why not vote for someone who has 98% of the same values and goals as Hillary and could give her an executive position (which I doubt, but it is a possibility). On top of that, I am so tired of people playing Hillary for the victim. In every debate, she was always overly aggressive and hung herself, the party did not turn against her, she shot herself in the foot with the help of her husband!

    Sarah Palin is the anti-Clinto who will keep anyone born with a v****a (or a surgically created on) at home with the kids. How can you say you're so pro-Hillary and pro-woman when you're against equal pay for equal rights, against a domestic violence bill and against abortion. Outlawing it won't change that it's still happening, just make it easier to ignore until women start being dragged into hospitals left and right with vaginal scarring, hep., or some other bacterial infection (or death) from back alley abortion!

    Obama/Biden '08!

  6. only because they are both women but, there issues are very different

  7. I believe that Hillary supporters claiming they will vote for McCain just because Hillary didn't get the nod for nominee are ridiculous.  Why vote for someone who is vastly different than the person you supported?  As far as their platforms are concerned, Hillary and Obama are essentially the same.  

    If you are so unhappy with the way things turned out for your candidate that you are willing to abandon your values and beliefs, stay home on election day.

  8. Nobody who liked Clinton because of her stand on the issues would switch to Palin because she is exactly opposite on all the issues.  If they only liked Clinton because she's a woman they might go for Palin but thats like voting for a man against a woman merely because he's a man.  Most people aren't that stupid.  

  9. McCain still thinks that women should be home having kids and doing what they are told from their husbands.

    Therefore he thinks women are stupid enough to vote for him just because he picked a woman VP.

    What he will find however, is that American women are NOT that stupid.

  10. They vote based on organ similarity.  

  11. Plain and simple? It's all about the chromosomes. 2 X's are better than just X and Y.  

  12. McCain is less of a sexist than Obama.

  13. Clinton and Palin have nothing in common but their s*x so the question has no relevance.

    Clinton rose to her fame riding on her husbands coat tails.

    Palin made it on her own.  Nuff said!

    McCain/Palin '08

  14. No Hillary supporter would switch to Palin. They are night and day.

    If they do, they supported Hillary's v****a -- not Hillary.

  15. Clinton and Palin both think Obama is not ready, not electable.

    Both Clinton and Palin are women who know the female struggles for equality.

    Both women understand their sexes.

    I think Palin will relate well to Clintonites...especially the females.

  16. Other than the fact that they are both women, and mothers,  I don't know what Palin and Clinton have in common. They seem like comlete opposites to me. Palin even rocks the skirt while Clinton always sports the pantsuits.  

  17. So many Clinton supporters voted for her just to break the glass ceiling. Now they'll break the glass ceiling on the other side.

  18. Four reasons.  

    Feminism and liberalism are not synonymous.  A lot of otherwise conservative women backed Hillary because they want to see women get ahead.  With Hillary out of the race they fall back to their more conservative values.

    A lot of Clinton supporters are blue collar small town people who dislike Obama, who is a rather elitist and looks down on them.

    There is still some lingering racism just as there obviously is a lot of lingering sexism.


  19. Only if the Hilary supporters are insane fundies.

  20. I love Hillary and I was planning to write her in on election day. After the Democratic Convention, I was starting to sway for Obama because of what both Hillary and Bill said. Then McCain picked an inexperienced woman who most everyone had never heard of until very recently.

    If he thinks women are so stupid as to vote for a woman just because she's a woman he is quite mistaken on my part. I am actually insulted and it's irked me enough to decide on Obama. His strategy back-fired with me.

  21. To spite Obama

  22. Hillary supporters would only vote McCain/Palin if they were uninformed of the issues and voting only because of gender... that's the only reason for it - Palin and Hillary are so different.

  23. cuz they think Obama stole the nomination from Hilary .. also cuz mcbush got a woman president with NO experience ,and that is a complete dumass  i might add,..

    here are some things that suck about pallin

        * She was elected Alaska's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. She has no foreign policy experience.

        * Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.

        * She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000.

        * Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.

        * She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.

        * She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears as an endangered species—she was worried it would interfere with more oil drilling in Alaska.

        * How closely did John McCain vet this choice? He met Sarah Palin once at a meeting. They spoke a second time, last Sunday, when he called her about being vice-president. Then he offered her the position.

    mcbush also agrees with 90% of what bush believes in.. he thinks middle class is people who get under 5 million dollars a year... he is a fool,, also i dont want a president that would be 72 when inaugurated

    some of this was random but w/e

  24. The only correlation between the two is they both sit down to pee. True Hillary supporters will not vote for Palin just because she's another woman. That's an insult to their intelligence to think otherwise.  

  25. I am totally speaking for myself here.  Number one, I don't think that Palin is any more qualified for the Office of Vice President than Obama is for the Office of President.  

    I am not going to vote for McCain/Palin just because Palin is a woman any more than I would vote for Obama because he is an African American.  I voted for Hillary Clinton because I like Hillary Clinton.  I believed and still believe that she is the person to handle the mess that we are in.  It made it so much better because she was a woman but that was not the reason for my voting for her.

    So I have quite the dilemna  -- Do I vote for an oil drilling war mongor or a bigoted talking head?

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