
In country or out?

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I am in a mixed relationship.I do not know my total heritage because my dad was adopted,but his certificate says "of hispanic origin"and my mom is sweedish from waaay back.My parents raised me saying I was white or caucasion.My fiance is Mexican.On the topic of our future,he had expressed an interest in trying to have kids of our own,but also consider to adopt one child.Can you adopt specifically "mixed" here in the US or would you have to look into Mexico?Do they even allow adoptions there into the US?How does the whole process work, I know it takes years and such so I figured I'd look into it waayyy before we attempted.About how much does it cost and can you adopt a baby who is still a newborn?I always see adoption programs on TV and the kids are usually grown or if they try adopting a baby, by the time they take them home they're over a year or two.




  1. You are most likely to be able to adopt a child of mixed Mexican/caucasian heritage in the states that border Mexico -Southern California, Texas, etc.    Contact an adoption agency in one of those states when the time comes, and you can have the agency hook you up with a birth mother, so you can adopt a newborn.

  2. I would try to adopt from here first. There are sooo many children right int he U.S who need good mothers and fathers. I do know there are tons of children of all decent who need parents too. If you are looking for something specific you can tell the agency you go through and they can look for that. Good luck to you and your future.

  3. I would suggest speaking to a reputable adoption agency when you decide you are ready.  They will be able to discuss all of the options with you and how best to achieve the adoption that you want.  

    Yes, it is possible to adopt newborns in the US.  And you can also adopt children of mixed races.  I do not know if you can adopt directly from Mexico, but an adoption agency would be able to tell you that information.

    Also, you can always do foster/adopt through your local children's services.  Many of the children in the foster care program are older, but it is possible to get a newborn.  

    Good luck to you.

  4. I suggest you try to have kids naturally first before looking into adoption. I've seen where people adopt and then have a multiple birth and not want the adopted child again.

  5. type in Guatemala adoption, adopt out of this country! save yourself the heartache. Some countries limit how many children can be in the home when you adopt, so get things started after you have a couple first of your own if you can. I think four is the maximum you can have living at home. Thats why I am looking into adoption now, I have been trying to have my 5th for months now, and my heart is leaning towards international adoption. Just read up on it, there is tons of stuff on this net.
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