
In crocheting, how do I join in a new yarn?

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I'm in middle of a project and my yarn is cut. How can I continue with a new ball of yarn?




  1. You can just tie them together. Do a sailor knot so it won't come undone. Wrap once then bring together at the top and wrap again then tighten.

  2. It depends on what you are crocheting.  I personally have no problem with tying knots, but some people think the bump detracts from what you are making.  One way around that is to tie the knot where it will end up at the end of a row.  That can sometimes mean undoing some of your stitches, but it all depends on how important it is to you.  When i tie a knot, i crochet through it as if it were one strand of yarn.  I then try to crochet around it, "tucking" it in as I go, so to speak.  When you pull a loop through the first full stitch of the next yarn, make sure the two ends are between the loop in the front and rest of your yarn behind, then crochet over those loose ends and they will be automatically tucked up inside your work.

    The alternative, which i find to be a lot harder, is to do as I described, but without the knot.  In theory, even though your yarn is not knotted together, as long as you leave a long enough "tail" to tuck into your work, it will not matter.  That part of your project will feel just the rest and not be any weaker.

    However, i personally am not too sure about yarn that isn't tied together not coming loose, but then again, I don't make much stuff for display only.

  3. normally you should try to make a join at the end or beginning of a row  - but you can knot them together  - crochet is thicker than knitting so most of the time the knot will not show or possibly even be felt - just make sure that you leave  enough yarn to weave in when finished or work over the tail as you go along the row.

    The only thing you really need to know is if you are actually joining in a different colour of yarn is to not work the last step of the stitch with the old colour but with the new colour so the join  will not be noticed

  4. DON'T tie your yarn together unless you leave long tails to weave in afterwards.  If you just tie a knot, it can come undone while washing.  The way I join in a new yarn is to leave 2 loops on my hook then use the new yarn to finish the stitch, leaving a long tail to weave in.  I probably haven't described this too well.....go to one of the crochet sites and check how they recommend doing it.

  5. Never knot your yarn ends together.  Take a couple of inches of the yarn and crochet it into the new yarn as you complete a row and leave a little tail of each end leftover.  Once you complete your project, take a yarn needle and weave it back into the project. Voila, no knots and a secure hold.

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