
In current attention economics, what is attention on earth? Can someone give me a precise definition?

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Can someone give me a precise definition of attention in so-called "attention economics"?




  1. There is currently a push toward paying much more attention to the ecology and the preservation of our environment.  An ecology in equilibrium is a must for survival of our present civilizations.

    As such, this attention to the preservation of the Earth can be equated to the economic concepts of supply and demand and the effect of scarcity of resources.

    Proven economic principles can be applied to the resolution of some of these ecological imbalances.

  2. attention economics is an interesting idea.  human attention is now  scarce.  why? 'cos of info overload.  

    in this information-rich world, the wealth of information means something is missing - attention of its recipients/readers/ listeners. wealth of information leads to a poverty of attention.  how to balance it - to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of info.  

    spamming etc all comes into play to lead to this attn econs.

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