
In curriculum at your school, physical education is not offferd as a subject . build up a serices of argument?

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In curriculum at your school, physical education is not offferd as a subject . build up a serices of argument?




  1. I don't understand your question. Presumably, you're homeschooled (otherwise you're posting your question on the wrong board!), so how come you say p.e. is not offered as a subject? Why not just get on and do it if that's what you want.

    Oh, and MCA, *THAT* depends entirely on the local rules wherever one lives - P.E. is not necessary for me to 'graduate' (ie do the HSC...assuming, of course, that's what I decide I want to do).

  2. Welll, since this is the homeschooling section, I would argue to do homeschool instead of public school - where you *can* have all the PE you want!!!

  3. I am not sure what it is you are asking.

    PE is anything that includes physical activity, we may not use it as a PE "credit" but that is not the point of keeping our children physically fit, and healthy anyhow.

    We swim, walk, run, hike, sled, play sports, go to the gym, this we consider a normal part of our daily lives, but I guess we could call it PE.

  4. are you home schooled? PE is a requirement to graduate... most online charters have a way to give you the credit you need for PE

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