
In deflection I need to convert the units to make the problem work is there anyone that knows about this stuff

by  |  earlier

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it is posed in lb/in^2 and decimal feet but I don't know what to convert it to...???




  1. we can't convert the units unless you tell us what to convert to.

    If you told us the problem, maybe that would help.

  2. I am afraid you need to be a little clearer in your question.

    Deflection is a phenomena of distance based on load and span.  You suggest that lb/in^2 is part of this and that is a unit of stress or pressure.  The two don't quite relate unless there is more to this problem than you are telling us.

    I don't see how I can help you without taking a lot for granted or guessing, neither of which I want to do.  I'd like to help, can you restate your question or add some additional details?


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