
In desperate need of a nurse or doctor,,, plz help..?

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In feb this year i found out that i am anemic. The doctor have put me on iron supplements for 3months, a month after that i have had another full blood count and ferritin test done. The result had no change so the doctor told me that he is going to put me on the supplements again for 3 months, if it hasn't change then i will get Iv iron therapy.The doc said the only problem is heavy periods, cause i was for a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy and they found nothing

My question is....

What exactly will they be doing with iv iron therapy?

how is it perform?

how long does it take?

How many times will I have to go a week?

How will they know if you are allergic to it?

And then can they take a CBC(complete blood count) while you're still on the supplements?

Won't the iron supplement interfere with the CBC?

And how does it work, cause what i understand are if you take a CBC while on iron supplement, your iron will be of course be higher, can you plz correct me?

PLZ Urggent Answers needed




  1. Well, I've never given iron IV (only by mouth or in an intramuscular shot), so I can't tell you about how long it takes, but the nurse will be watching for signs of a reaction and will stop the infusion if they occur.

    As for the CBC, the whole goal of the iron therapy is to increase your red blood cells, hematocrit and hemoglobin! So yes, of course the CBC the will show higher numbers if it's working. That doesn't mean the iron is interfering, it means it's doing it's job!

    Once you are no longer anemic, they might stop the iron, and recheck your CBC to see if you're still doing good. If the counts fell again then you would just go back on the iron.

    Checking your blood regularly is how the doctor is able to manage your medication.

  2. It seems to me these are questions you should be asking your doctor.

    He knows exactly what your problem is and can tell you what to expect.  All anyone here can do is make a guess.  If you don't feel comfortable asking him, or he doesn't explain it in a way you can understand, then you need to consider getting a different doctor.

    I hope you can resolve your problem soon.

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