
In desperate need of help!! 10 points for the best, honest answer possible!!?

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The guy I like just started his first year of college last week. He had a facebook too. I thought that the first couple of weeks he would have all of these new friends from his college on his facebook. But he's been there a week and he hasn't added anyone on his facebook. And today he deleted his facebook! I'm thinking that maybe he doesn't like the people up at the college, or he's having trouble making friends or something. But, he has a laptop too. So my questions are:

1. Does him not having any friends from his college on his now non-existant facebook mean that he doesn't have a lot of friends, or that he does have friends?

2. Why did he delete it?

Anyone that says that I stalk him or I'm obsessed with him, I'm telling you now that I'm not! I went on his facebook a couple of times since he left last week, and today I realized that he didn't have one anymore.




  1. Are you gonna judge him just cos he ain't got no friends on Facebook?

    Is it a popularity contest or somefink?

  2. The odds are good that he's finding that college is a lot bigger and more time-consuming than he imagined, so he is cutting off distractions like facebook so he can concentrate on getting himself set and centered in his new life.

    If he is meeting new people and becoming acquainted with them, he's doing it face-to-face, and won't need to add them as electronic contacts.

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