
In documentaries when animals need help(food) why they dont help?

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For example a "black" bear etc




  1. By feeding a bear it is teaching it to come to humans when it needs food. it will become a pest and end up being shot in the end. In other films like when an animal is hurt and they don't help it is because it is a dangerous situation. It seems unjust but it is the way nature works, human intervention will only make things worse.

  2. Because they are trying to record the natural behavior of these animals. By introducing humans giving them food into the mix, you are no longer getting natural behaviors, and thus you have an inaccurate documentary.

  3. It wouldn't really be helping. The animals would get it into their head that people will give them food, and they will learn to go to people for food. If its something like a squirrel, that's not such a big deal. But with black bears, even though, it's very unlikely that they will attack and hurt a person, people will always freak out and assume that the bear wants to eat them. That sort of thing leads to the bears being shot.

    In most places it's actually illegal to feed wild animals because of that.

  4. Bears are wild animals and wild animals thrive in the wild. Even though it might cruel they might think that they are interfering and disrupting the natural balance and letting the weak survive which is against the rules of biology (survival of the fittest).

    Also when you give the bear or any other animal food you become the provider for food and they will become less independent.  

    Its like taking a nomad from desert to the city where there he will become soft (both physically and mentally) like all sedentary people in the city.  

    I don’t agree with what is happening at all after all we are the ones who are doing the damage and messing up their food sources so we should compensate in anyway possible.

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