
In dubai, you can be a single mother??

by  |  earlier

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i got a job offer, but im pregnant and by myself




  1. Best think u can do mam is contact the United Arab Emirates Embassy in United States and ask them all ur questions about such legal things. Dont feel shy to call, they will be of help to u. Leaving states while pregnant and not married may be of a big problem. i have known women who were dating and got preggy some years ago who ended up going to jail and then leaving once child was safe n healthy to get back on a plane to their country or origion. All i can say is dont risk it.

    I hope what ever happens, u and baby will be just fine.

  2. You cannot give birth with being married. I have some friends who got pregnant. They went back home to Philippines just to give birth to her child. If you have time, get married to your boyfriend or fiance to settle it.

    Once done, you may give birth. Then go to your embassy to get your child's passport and then refer your child's visa to your husband's company to legalize his stay in Dubai.

  3. I'm not sure how true that answer is because as far as I am aware you cannot give birth in the Dubai without being married.  Assuming you are not giving birth in Dubai, you will have to sponsor your own baby and to do that there are certain criterias to meet.

  4. Fact is: you can not open any file at any hospital or clinic being pregnant and single. Every doc has to report this immediatley to the police and you will get arrested.

    In this case it does not matter if you have a local sponsor or not. Please do not listen to these kind of answers. You also will not be able to sponsor your child unless you are an engineer, nurse or teacher with a certain income.

    Please do yourself a favour and do not take any employment in  the UAE as long as you are pregnant without being married.

    How you will treated in case you have to visit a doc being single and pregnant depends very much on your Nationality.

    If you hear anything else, like it would be okay to be single and pregnant as long as you have a sponsor, please do not believe this! Even as a married woman being pregnant and being in the UAE by herself will have problems. Before she gets treated, she has to provide prove that she is married and got pregnant by her husband. Then she can go home. Also she will not be allowed to deliver her baby in the UAE.

    Take care and all the best.

  5. Hi.. if the visa is provided by your company, then there will not be any problem at all... you just need to inform your company though, cos u will be requiring a long sabbatical... there are no restrictions on being a single mother, as long as you have a sponsor from UAE.. hope that answers!

  6. You definately can't have a baby out here unless you're married.  If you're on your own work visa then you'll be ok.  to sponsor baby though you will need a certified letter of no objection from baby's father or paperwork saying you have custody (well that's the case if you were married to the father at any time) if you weren't married at all I don't know how it works but I'd find out before you come.  I'm pretty sure you also need to have a degree to sponsor your own child and to earn above a certain wage.  It sound bizarre I know but  here it's all about husbands visas etc I'm afraid.. as a woman on your own the beaurocracy of things is tricky.  That said if you sort that then you'l;l be fine.. live in maid for £300 per month etc. Personally I'd come out on holiday with all your paperwork and go to immigration and ask specifically what you need! Good luck!

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