
In electronics what are the color coding for resistors?

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there are color codings on the resistors how do you read it




  1. Like digits:

    0 Black

    1 Brown

    2 Red

    3 Orange

    4 Yellow

    5 Green

    6 Bblue

    7 Violet

    8 Green

    9 White

  2. Beginners memorized this rhyme.

    Bad(black) Boys(brown) Rape(red) Our(orange) Young(yellow) Girls(green) But(blue) Violeta(violet) Gave(gray) Willingly(white). God(gold) Said(silver) No(no color) Comments.

  3. On a 4 band, the first 2 bands are the significant figures (as in the other answers)  and the third is the number of zeros to put on the end.  The fourth is the tolerance.  So brown black red is

    1-0-00 or I meg.

    On a 5 band, the first 3 bands are significant figures and the fourth is the number of zeros.  The fifth is tolerance.  So brown black black red is 1-0-0-00 or 10 meg

  4. The numbers are what they all said.

    To read it you should notice 1 of the bands is further away from the others, this is the tollerance of the resistor.e.g +-5% of the value.

    Start reading from the other end.

    If it has 3 bands the first 2 will be a number eg. brown,orange,=13

    the 3rd band is the number of 0's on the end e.g brown,orange, red = 1300 (red=2 so 00)

    There are gold and silver too which do 0.0 and 0.00 but these are quite rare, so just ignore those ones.

  5. You need a sheet from a regs electrical installation regs book.

  6. The others have given you the values of the colours to read the resistance hold the component so the colours are at the left hand end.

    the first two rings give the digits  ie 1-0 (brown-black) and the third ring tells you how many zeros to add say 2 for red

    = 1-0-0-0    1kOhms

  7. Black 0

    Brown 1

    Red 2

    Orange 3

    Yellow 4

    Green 5

    Blue 6

    Violet 7

    Grey 8

    White 9

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