
In english " Collective sigh" what dose it mean?

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In english " Collective sigh" what dose it mean?




  1. You know when you get dragged to go see a chick flick and the hunky guy almost gets back with the nasty ex but then turns for the leading girl and all the girls in the audience breath a sigh of relief... that's an example

  2. Everyone present sighs simultaneously.

  3. It means everybody who was there all heaved a sigh at the same time.

  4. It does mean that everyone sighed at the same time, but it doesn't necessarily or usually mean that they all actually sighed. It's usually used in the figurative sense, meaning that while it didn't physically happen, the feeling was there. It is almost always used about a sigh of relief. The phrase you almost always see it in is "Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief", though 'of relief' is often left out.  It means that something was happening that made everyone feel tense, and when the thing stopped happening, everyone felt relieved.  

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