
In excel can i check a value from previous written value?

by  |  earlier

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i have 4 column in excel sheet, name , value1, value2. in these column i have written 500 entries with different s. no. name and value (in value1), now i want to write the value in value2 but i want that value should be same as written in value1 for all entries. Like if 3 entry is s. no. : 3, name : ram and value1 is 1250. Now when i will write the value in value2 it should be 1250 if i will try to write any other value like 2500 or else it should show a error.

can i do this




  1. I think I know what you're trying to do -- one way to go about it would be to use conditional formatting.

    Under "Format" choose "Conditional Formatting" -- set up your formula to say if C1 is not equal to D1 -- format cell to be red for example -- that way you'll have an easy flag if the cells don't match.  Copy the conditional formatting down to all cells in the column.

    I don't know the entire situation but wouldn't it be just as easy to copy Value1 and paste it into Value 2 column?

  2. its so confusing, im sure you can

  3. Use data validation feature:

    Let's suppose we are working on row 2 (in C2 we have value1 and in D2 we will do validation for value2):

    select D2 cell, in menu go to Data>Validation..., at Validation citeria , in General tab,select from "Allow" dropdown menu:List and enter in source textbox value:  =C2. This means Excel will only allow for D2 contents either empty value or the value equal to the contents of C2 cell . You can customize the error message the user gets when inputs a wrong value, in "eror alert" tab. Hit OK and drag the formula down the D column.  Anyway, if you change the contents of value1, the validation for value2 will not trigger until you select the corresponding value2 cell again. If you want  always value2 to be equal to value1, that's easy: in D2 enter formula: =C2 and drag it down

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