
In favor or against limited speech.why?

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In favor or against limited speech.why?




  1. Anybody in favor of limited speech should not be living in the USA!

  2. Free speech all the way . I will defend to death your right to speak even if I disagree with you .

  3. I'm in favor of The Freedom of speech, Limited to the place they are Speaking, and to the substance that is spoken.

  4. To express yourself verbally is everything to an America. why would we want to give give that up? that is how the world functions by thinking out loud.

  5. in favor of freedom of speech

    also in favor of the right for a property owner to kick someone off of their property for exercising their right to free speech

  6. In London we have SPEAKERS CORNER. In fact there are several of them :- Finsbury Park, Clapham Common, Kensington Park and Victoria Park as well as the one in Hyde Park. Below is a small history copied from Wikipedia.

    "Public riots broke out in the park in 1855 in protest over the Sunday Trading Bill which forbade buying and selling on a Sunday, the only day working people had off. The riots were described by Karl Marx as the beginning of the English revolution.

    The Chartist movement used Hyde Park as a point of assembly for workers' protests but no permanent speaking location was established. The Reform League organised a massive demonstration in 1866 and then again in 1867 which compelled the government to extend the franchise to include most working class men.

    The riots and agitation for democratic reform encouraged some to force issue of the "right to speak" in Hyde Park. In 1872 the Royal Parks and Gardens Act delegated the issue of permitting public meetings to the park authorities (rather than central government). Contrary to popular belief it does not confer a statutory basis for the right to speak at Speakers' Corner. Parliamentary debates on the act illustrate that a general principle of being able to meet and speak was not the intention, but that some areas would be permitted to be used for that purpose.

    Since that time it has become a traditional site for public speeches and debate as well as the main site of protest and assembly in Britain. There are some who contend that the tradition has a connection with the Tyburn hanging gallows where the condemned man was allowed to speak."

    Freedom of speech was fought for, not all countries have it and we should guard it. Freedom of speech gives food for the brain, it goes some way towards preventing oppression. There is a price to pay for it in that there will always be some who will misuse it. But you are still allowed to make yourself heard and you have the voice to point out, maybe satirise that you disagree.

    If someone can't take constructive criticism they need to grow up.

  7. With every right comes responsibilities.  We have limits, such as the classic, you can't yell FIRE in a crowded theater".  Or inciting riot.  You cannot slander  people or tell lies.  

    So, yes there are limits and should be.

    The supreme court has gone so far as to say an "act" is free speech.  That of burning the flag.  This to me is total misunderstanding of the 1st amend.  And to some of us it is the same as inciting us to riot!

    Political correctness is a form of self censorship and is the biggest danger to free speech

  8. Against>>>> " When the Power of Love is as Strong as the Love of Power there will be Peace".* " All that is necessary for EVIL to Triumph is for Good Men to Say and Do Nothing".*  " If the Freedom of Speech is taken Away then Dumb and Silent WE may be LED, Like SHEEP to the SLAUGHTER".*..George Washington our First President.* " Government is not Reason; it is not Eloquent; it is FORCE, Like Fire, it is a Dangerous Servant and a FEARFUL MASTER".*> George Washington.* " I would rather Die on my Feet, Than Live on my Knees".*

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