
In fiction, hitmen and assassins have shown a predilection for the 22 (.22 LR) caliber. ?

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I was wondering if anybody knows where this information comes from and if there are any verifiable sources stating whether if has ever been used by operatives in any clandestine operations.




  1. Several years ago a book was written called "Hitman." It explained how to best kill people. It recommended a .22 Armalite rifle that breaks down. When one person was killed where the killer followed the book precisely, it ended up in the publisher getting sued and having to pay out. The book was no longer available after that.

  2. Well at face value it sounds about right. First off you don't need range you don't need a huge caliber nor do you need high grain count. Also the fewer grains in a shell the less noise it makes and if you can keep it below 800 fps you don't have a big bang it just sounds like a cap gun so you don't need a silencer.

  3. The High Standard .22 automatic pistol (with built in silencer) was issued to OSS agents operating in Occupied Europe during World War II for use in assassinations (of n**i officers and the like).  It was used for this purpose and accounts of this can be found in histories of this period.

  4. The .22 LR is, verifyably, the weapon of choice for professional hits.  It has ample penetration when fired from close range, is light, has a low recoil, has a relatively small noise signature even unmuffled, and is relatively simple to silence.  

    The Israeli hit teams that were sent into Europe to go after the masterminds of the Munich Olympic slaughter (See the movie "Munich") used .22 LR caliber weapons when they could get up close.  Any investigation of mafia hits in this country will show a relatively high percentage of the .22 LR double taps to the top or back of the head.

  5. makes sense....

    if i may just add that the small caliber round makes a small properly-placed entry wound. in the hands of an expert, the round is enough to cause instant neutralization.

    as to the question of whether it has been known to have been used in any clandestine operations in the past, check this link out:

  6. A .22 slug has a nasty habit of bouncing around inside the body.

    It was recommended in a couple of 'How to be a hitman mauals' (Published be specialty presses.) (Loopmanics unlimited, Paladin press.)

    An 'Operative' is going to use whatever is at hand. This can be as simple as an unfolded paper clip into a jugular vein or as complex as a remotely activated  exploding coffee cup.

    It should be noted though that the job of such people is to gather information with out being noticed or bringing attention to what they are doing.

    Most real actions are going to be carried out by placement of military specialists or through grey agencies like Blackwater.  

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