
In fights what usually do fighters die from?

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brain injury?




  1. they die from judo chop

  2. if you look at the UFC (the best fighting championship there is) there has been no deaths.

  3. In a street fight, most fighters will die from either a 3rd party entering and jumping on your head while you are on the ground, or some chumb pulling a knife, or it happens in the aftermath

    other than that you got it in one, its often  heart failure but mainly its head injuries the skull is a lot softer than you think and if you trip on the kerb from taking on punch .. its possible to land on your head and die,

    in the ring, its usually a build up over time of brain damage, as in boxing, the fighters are wearing heavy duty gloves,

    in the UFC your just wearing the small gloves, and that would increase the power of the punches, but also remember, the guys that are fighting in these things are very will conditioned athletes and can take a LOT LOT LOT more than your day to do person,

    if your worried about going into a fight, street or sport, get trained, there are many jui jitsu, mauy thai, boxing , kickboxing, Jeet Kune Do, clubs around, doing fo for any of that wing chun stuff .... thats all for show... if your gonna learn an art.. for self defense , go for a striking art,

  4. John has the correct answer...

  5. The nose can't be pushed into the brain unless your skull is broken into a million pieces (which would kill you anyway).

    It's usually an accumulation of brain injuries that are a result of cutting too much weight,leaving the fighter dehydrated and without proper fluid to cushion the brain from internal impacts on the inside of the skull.

  6. Most fighters in general, if they do die in a fight, will die from brain damage do to repeated blows to the head.

  7. You got it, and brain injuries are cumulative, so they add up.

  8. They usually die from bleeding or swelling from fluids in the brain.  Your brain has small blood vessels in it just like other parts of your body.  When it becomes bruised in a spot it sometimes bleeds and or fluids build up.  Your skull being a very solid structure does not allow for much expansion and so they put in shunts to try and stem the buildup of pressure and fluid.  Oftentimes this is successful but some neuro devastates can result from this once healed.  Also the pressure can build up so much that it can herniate and send the shunt out and across the room literally because of the pressure.  My wife used to work and do research in the area of nuerosurgery and she would tell me stories sometimes about this.  All her coworkers, doctors, etc were very much against boxing and simular type sports because of the amount and type of brain damage that it would sometimes cause.

  9. Broken Neck

    Nose bone pushed into brain

    Crushed windpipe

    Just to name a few possibilities

  10. Chuck Norris

  11. Blood clots - look at Mohammed Ali, he boxed hard and look at him he has parkinsons (I think)

  12. id say that the most common cause of death in a fight is a heart failure, and second could be somekind of head trauma (in a ring not on the streets)

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