
In final fantasy 12, i need help with the elder wyrm?

by  |  earlier

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ugh, this guy is basically impossible for me, i did 2 quickening chains and a summon and only took down a quarter of his health, these are my characters stats and quicks, (vaan lvl 22, blood sword, 2 quickenings)(basch lvl 22, handaxe, 2 quickenings) (balthier,ancient sword, 2 quickenings)~ those are my main people, fran penelo and ashe are lvl 15- 17, and ashe has a quickening, if i need to sub them out for one of my main guys, i switch the weapons, please give any strategies or any changes i should make, or even where to train.




  1. make sure each of the characters have good weapons on them since the weapons could defeat the elder wyrm a lot faster and make sure you use some magic spells, too. i forgot the spell, but if you used something for weakening him when you use fire spell, he will be defeated easier, too. also, try to make sure your characters are closer to level 30 if possible.

  2. First, if you're going to fight the Elder Wyrm, keep your party members separated so that Sporefall doesn't get them all.  Ranged weapons are good here for keeping distance.  Also, the Elderwyrn is weak against wind attacks.  This may help you out.

    But there is another way!  Don't fight him at all--at least not right now.

    There are two ways to do this:

    1) Get a chocobo from Jahara and ride it back through the Ozmone Plain to the Golmore Jungle.  Ride down through the jungle continuing south through one of the barriers until you reach The Feywood. Once in the Feywood, hang close to the left side until you reach the first path to the left.  Take it and you will be in the Paramina Rift--where you would be had you defeated the Elder Wyrm.  You'll just have a bit longer to get through.  Head sorta northeast to Mt. Bur-Omisace.  You will need to be quick with the chocobo as there is a time limit for riding.

    2) Forget the chocobo and just head south through Golmore Jungle to the Feywood.  Be careful when you enter the area because there is a trap just as you enter.  You will be assailed by a horde of Deadly Nightshades.  And believe me, they are deadly!.  As you enter the area you can either cast Float to avoid the trap, have party members protected against Confusion, or unequip weapons so if a party member becomes confused he doesn't wipe out the rest of the party.  Hold down the R2 button and Flee along the left side to the left path to the Paramina Rift.  Do not, under any circumstances, try to fight the enemies in the Feywood at your present levels.

    Once you've leveled up more you can always go back to the Golmore Jungle and fight the Elder Wyrm for the reward.

    Good luck!

  3. First thing, go to the save crystal nearby and cast every positive status enhancement on yourself tha you have, then save the game.

    Next, all the enemies are weak against wind.  Spam the Treants with Aero right away (wait until they are all grouped together).  You will want to save your magic, so don't use quickenings right away.

    Equip Rose Corsages to deal with Silence.  Have Esuna gambits on at least 2 party members.  Have at least 1 person set up to use Handkerchiefs.  Use Haste to counter Slow.  Let Larsa do most of the healing.  (Turn off your healing gambits and heal manually if things get too close).  Make sure to have a Charge gambit set up, as the battle may take a while.

    If you want to speed things up, you might try keeping your best attacker beserked.  If you do this, make sure your other 2 characters can handle Esuna, Handkerchief, Haste, etc.

    Good luck!

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