
In full blown panic mode and NEED GUY ADVICE!!! 10 pts.!!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm like freaking out and feel like I'm gonna explode crying. And I don't care if you answered a question similiar to this one.

The guy I like A LOT is going off to college tomorrow, 3 hours away. It will not be easy getting over him because my family and his family are family friends, and my bro and his bro are on the same football team and baseball team, so we'll be seeing them a lot. The thing is, his bro told me yesterday that my crush didn't want a girlfriend because he's gonna be focused playing sports in college and his schoolwork. But I'm still worried. And I don't know why. Do I have anything to be worried about?




  1. Calm down dear. I know the feeling. Write him an email explaining all your feelings - you don't necessarily have to send it but it will be cathartic for you.

  2. nope. he doesnt want a girlfriend.  

  3. you do not have anything to worry about trust me if you just don't think about him it would be easy to forget and stop worrying

  4. 3 hours isnt that far. But if he doesnt want a girlfriend, and wants to focus on sports instead...he's probably g*y. Seriously, any guy that picks hanging out with, and showering with, a bunch of guys, instead of having a girlfriend, is not boyfriend material. When you go to college you'll find dozens of guys. Dont worry about this one.  

  5. you dont really need to be worried. dont throw yourself at him and make your self look desperate. just tel him straight that you want to be more. if he wants to then :D and if he dont then leave it and find some one else.

    10 points pplease:)

  6. LOL - awwww... Not laughing about your predicament, sweetheart, but "full blown panic mode." That is too cute/sad/funny.

    I think it is good that this young man is going out there to get higher education and knows to focus on the things that will give him a promising future. He sounds like he has his mind on the right things, you can't fear because of that. Be glad that he is a good guy and you have enjoyed knowing him. Stay in touch, but never let fear lead you. Confidently wish him well and help him to stay focused just by letting him know you'll miss seeing him and look forward to hearing about his successes.

    He's maturing and so your heart and your feelings for him must mature as well. That is best.

  7. dont be worried.

    you guys are in contact.

  8. I think you should just go for it anyways. If you really like him, its worth it. And who knows, maybe it'll work out. Just tell him you will let him focus on sports, but you still like him a lot.

  9. Coming from a guy, long distant relationships don't work. If it was meant to be yall can hook up after college. Try to remain friends with him via e-mail/myspace and when he comes to visit maybe yall can hang out. Just don't put too much into this guy. Good Luck!

  10. honestly you can be worried but that is going to just make you miserable and you might just miss someone right in front of you. i know its cheesy but sometimes you just have to forget for a bit and look at the other fish. i hope this helps!

  11. I am sorry to inform you that you do have something to worry about, if he doesnt know you like him college is a time for new things and it will be tough for him to resist all thge girls there, unless he knows you like him

    answer mine please

  12. Not going to be what you want to hear, but sounds like it is not going to work between you.  It will hurt like crazy for a while, but I promise it will pass.

    I always hated when people said things like that to me.  Sorry.

  13. Take a deep breath and relax for a moment . . .

    You don't really know what your crush feels yet - he was probably trying to figure that out when he was talking with his brother  . . .

    Call up your man, go for a walk with him, and ask HIM how he feels about the relationship and how he sees it evolving . . .

  14. I don't think you should worry....It takes a good guy to admit that he won't stuff a girl around coz he is focused on other things at the moment....The best thing here is no bridges have been stay in touch with him, wish him all the best & you never know what the future will hold....You will feel crappy for a bit but don't forget about YOU okay?! Go have some fun with your friends or do whatever makes you happy....:)

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