
In general, do you prefer females with or without makeup on?

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Give a reason to why, please.

Also ladies, are you comfortable with yourself going out in public without the application of makeup, or do you rely on it?

- Do you think makeup is a necessity or has become too much of a necessity in today's society?

Thank you for your input. :)




  1. I prefer both males and females without makeup as makeup gives me the hives. I hate makeup. What a waste of money and time-what are people suppose to do at home-hide behind a mask when you're alone with your lover?

  2. I never used to wear make up, but on the rare occasions that I did, I got really nice compliments.

    Nowadays, I wear mascara most of the time and eyeshadow when I'm going out with the girls or to some event.

    I do not rely on makeup; I was actually terrified of starting because I've seen the "before/after" pictures of women w & w/o their make up an d I've always wondered if they were truly unattractive or if I'd never see them with makeup on in ther first place, might they have looked just fine? I never want to be one of those women who has to "put her face on".

    Unfortunately, makeup has become a necessity in today's society. Face it: unattractive women get a bad wrap. "Natural" women get a bad wrap. If I see a woman w/o make up and she looks like she should have it on, I notice and sometimes I comment. We are used to seeing people get dolled up to go to the grocery store. I don't like it, but people do notice. As a single woman, I realize that as much as I'd like a man to appreciate me natural without the adonment, it probably ain't gonna happen. Society say we women should be pretty- and pretty women wear make up.

  3. what exactly do you mean by make up?

    i love eye line and usually wear lip gloss.

    but i dont go into foundation or concealer.. i think it's unnecessary. but i guess some people need it. i don't rely on eyeliner.. but it brings out the eyes.

    i want to say though : i  feel sorry for all the employees at SEPHORA or at the clinique counters because they have to wear a pound of make-up!

    i think that's ridiculous.. plus it looks so fake.. but i think its a requirment.

  4. i think its silly when a grl wont go out in public without makeup i prefer to wear some eyeliner and mascara but never anything else unless i really messed up my face popping blackheads then i wear a little face makeup i dont even kno what its called technically but yea i went out alot today with no make up i justr like how dark eyeliner looks and thats why i wear it

  5. 'Without' ~ because it is honest and there is a clarity I like in seeing the skin tones.


  6. Without.  Natural beauty is better.  A light amount is okay, but it's always better to wear too little than too much.

  7. One day when I was a senior in High School I didn't have a chance to put my makeup on before an early morning cheerleading practice, so I was going to put it on right after.

    Then I forgot to.  While the halls were still kind of empty, a friend of mine, a kinda popular guy, walked by and said HI to me.

    A few minutes later I was horrified when I looked in the mirror in the bathroom and realized I had been seen without makeup on.  I was astonished that my friend had said hi to me when I was obviously "ugly" (in my mind).

    I've thought about that hundreds of times since then.  Although I think most men appreciate a woman who gets "dolled up", I've realized that whether I do or not won't change people's real opinions of me.

    I also think that a woman who consistenly wears makeup, especially if she does the whole shabang, is more likely to feel uncomfortable without makeup, and other people are going to look at her and realize that she looks different, and perhaps more plain than usual.

    So now I only wear makeup on kinda special occasions, and never a lot.  Usually just mascara.

  8. Well, i only put small amout of each make up = foundation, mascara, and eye liner. that's it really.

    I only put normal makeup if it is for special occasions.

    I wear it to school, because sometimes i've been called ugly alot when i wasnt wearing it, and i started to put make up on, and people stopped calling me ugly. Soo..yeah

    If i couldnt bother to wear make up to shops, i just dont wear them and not care because i dont think there's people that does know me! lol

  9. from a man's point of view, I never did believe in wading through a briar patch to get to a pinic.  Anyway make up is another form of facade, something hiding the facts.

  10. I don't wear make up, but I see to it that my face is presentable when I go to work or shopping. But when I go on a date , night club and photo shoots, I wear make ups.

  11. I say none or just a little, but I guess it depends on the woman. Some need more than others. For everyday I usually use a little mineral foundation and lip gloss, for a special occasion I'll put on some eyeshadow. Heavy makeup does NOT look right on yeah I'd feel fine going out without any. I don't think heavy eyeliner, etc. looks that great on anybody.

  12. without. i'm not really attracted to my girlfriend when she has makeup on

    i wear makeup every day, but no one can tell. it's bronzer + benetint on lips, it takes me literally 30 seconds to do my makeup every day.

  13. I think a lot of men say they prefer "no makeup" when they may not realize that the woman actually *is* wearing makeup, but it is very subtle and minimal. I have often had men say that I look good without makeup when I am wearing makeup.

    So I consistently use mascara, tinted sunscreen, and subtle lipgloss. I usually don't go out without it.

    Yeah, it probably has become too much of a necessity. My perception is that because most women do wear makeup  if I don't then I become kind of invisible.

  14. A lot of guys have a thing for girls who look good without make-up. Natural beauty is a pretty awesome thing to see...

  15. I don't wear makeup that much. Only on special "date nights" do I go all out with the smokey eye makeup shindig. Usually I just wear mascara...unless I'm going to the gym in which case I wear nothing, since it's stupid and pointless.

    Makeup shouldn't be a necessity. For some women though, it is.

  16. I go with or without make up depending on my mood,  I think its an issue when a woman won't leave her house without it.

  17. I feel completely comfortable going out without makeup! In fact, I notice that when I do wear make up, one of two things happen.

    1) No one notices the difference between my bare skin and my make up

    2) I break out

    So, if no one can tell the difference anyway, I might as well go bare skinned and keep my complexion clear!

  18. I always thought Tammy Faye Baker was Hot!!!! all that make up.

    Seriously, a little bit of makeup is what I like best.

  19. I don't ever wear any makeup, and I look alright. I certainly don't look really put-together, but not ugly or anything. I've never been a makeup wearer, so I don't feel less than average when I have none on. I think it's way too important to women these days, we're beautiful just the way we were made. I'm content with myself.

    What really hurt my feelings was when I let my mom put makeup on me for a few hours at home and she practically cried of joy and told me I finally looked my age. I'm really disappointed that looking your age should involve looking like something you aren't, and I felt my mom was disappointed in me.   :(

    edit: I don't remember which queen it was, but she never washed her face and when she died, she had 1/4 inch of makeup on. Learned it on the History Channel, just can't remember which queen.

  20. I only wear a little bit of mascara and some eye liner when I go to school or shopping. But if I'm staying home with my family or boyfriend, I don't bother with any make-up. I don't rely on it at all.

    But one of my best friends never goes a day without make-up, even when she's staying home all day and she is really really pretty. She wears eye-shadow, foundation, mascara, eye liner, and lip gloss every day. But it always looks so good on her.

  21. I prefer them to be with nothing on. Makeup is of secondary importance and becomes conspicuous only when clothes are involved.

  22. Women (and men) who use makeup to excess are just making the cosmetics industry even richer. And a lot of the trashy glossy magazines would be short of a lot of content without articles about makeup.

    Makeup can make you look a lot more aged than you are and it does no favours for the condition of the skin.

  23. I'm a bit split.

    I think things like foundation are unfair, since it's unfair that people are expected to cover up their skin.

    Personally, I mean, I know it's not really my business, but I'd rather being able to see and touch someone's skin, rather than a cake of make-up.

    Though I do love playing around with eye makeup, and drawing designs into friends' eye makeup, intricate patterns and all that.

  24. from my thought ...

    Without makeup ..... the female looks ANGEL ... bec they are!

    With makeup ..... the female looks DOLL ...

    Hope you und my feelings about Makeup for girl`s !!!

  25. I like to wear a light foundation sometimes if I have very bad spots, but I wouldn't particularly mind having to go without. I usually don't wear it, but I'd wear some for a special occasion - disco, Debs etc.

  26. Depends on the place/occasion. A woman without makeup in an evening gown out would look plain and under dressed. A woman wearing heavy makeup and jogging would look ridiculous. There needs to be a happy medium.

  27. There are some women that never need it. These are the naturally beautiful women that I like. Most women, however, need it and should wear it.

  28. I think most people now consider makeup a necessity when it really isn't.

    Guys look perfectly fine without it. Why can't a girl be just as gorgeous without makeup? I honestly think the more makeup you wear and the longer you spend in your life wearing, the worse you look when it's off.

    I feel completely comfortable going without it. Personally very rarely wear a lot of makeup on any given day. I usually use some tinted moisturizer, some mascara, cheek tint and light lipstick.

    When I do go all out, it's only for a party, wedding, or some other big event. Even then I don't go overboard with. My makeup is more natural looking, like this

    instead of dramatic like this

  29. I don't date but from what I can tell women would be far better off not putting a bunch of chemicals on her skin. There are some who are moderate but others go way overboard and just look "fake".

  30. I normally wear eyeliner and mascara but its not a necessity.  If I'm going somewhere important I wear concealer eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner.  I always try to make it look natural my boyfriend can really never tell when I have any on.

  31. Definitely without.  That way I I know how naturally beautiful they are.  Most look better without any, anyway.

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