
In general, does it cost more to homeschool a highschooler?

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This comparing normal public highschool where textbooks and such things are free to a homeschooling program. Do the parents have to pay for instructional booklets and such things?




  1. i would say that going to highschool is alotttt cheeper. because even if u do get homeschooled ur still paying for books and stuff for other kids out of your taxes and stuff. and then your parents would have to take time to learn all the circculum too and spend money on books

  2. No I don't think so I'm a high schooler and I'm homeschooled.

  3. If you're paying for curriculum, yes - high school texts and resources generally (not always) cost more than elementary, simply because they are larger and more in-depth.

    For example, not too many 8yo's need a good microscope, dissection kit, or chem equipment...all of those things are useful for a high schooler.  Algebra texts will often cost more than 2nd grade math...that sort of thing.

    However, there are ways to get the materials very inexpensively.  I get a lot of my son's stuff on the VegSource boards (I recently got three full science programs - 7th-9th grade - for the retail cost of the 7th grade text alone).  There are used book fairs, curriculum consignment stores, and eBay.

    There are free online virtual schools in many states.  Some are pretty good, some not so much.  If you enroll, however, you are still considered a public school student and are subject to the same requirements and testing.  Some people are ok with this, while others prefer to put their own coursework together.

    Hope that helps!

  4. It depends on what program you use. In California we have lots of free options including charter schools who provide up to $1800 a year in directed funds-funds that you get to chose how they are spent....on classes or curriculum. So...I think homeschooling is sometimes even less expensive sometimes. Find a homeschooling support group in your state and talk with other moms.

    Warm Regards,


  5. Not at all.

    In addition, many, many homeschoolers have long ago dispensed with the whole textbook idea.

    This book will tell you more.

  6. you only pay for extra things you want your child to have/learn.

    all state mandatory learning tools (books, tests, study sheets, work sheets) are free of charge. and if there is something mandatory your state does not offer for free (or does not have to at the time u need it), your local library will have. and your student can have access to school libraries if necessary-per homeschooling and govt law, all minor children between ages of 6-17 are entitled to an equal education.

  7. Homeschool doesn't HAVE to cost a lot:  there are free resources on the internet and at the library.  If the parents choose to buy texts, workbooks, online services, etc., then that can cost anywhere from a couple hundred to however much they want to pay.  But homeschooling CAN be done with a math book, a notebook or binder full of paper, and a library card!

  8. yes because the programs are more expensive

  9. I think it costs more in terms of parents paying for their own homeschooling materials, but public school students also have to pay for equipment and uniforms for extra curricular activities, lunches out, gas for getting to and from school, designer clothes, dances, etc.  It may even out in the end.

    There are many ways to save money on homeschooling books and materials.  You can purchase used homeschooling books:

    You can look for a free homeschooling curriculum:

    You can use a free virtual public school:

    Here are some other tips for affordable homeschooling:

    Good luck!

  10. In my opinion, many public schools are falling apart no matter where you live- and private schools are WAY too much money.

    So, I found myself a high school online. It is a actual diploma, and I graduated at 16. The name is Ashworth and it is only 30 dollars a month.

    Any questions feel free to message me at..

    Yahoo: fuzyfritomizteto

  11. Probably yes. Most public highschools are free of cost, while homeschooling will always cost money somewhere along the line, for things such as learning materials.

  12. In general, homeschooling during highschool cost my family less money because I basically got everything I needed at the library and was making up my own curriculum as I went along.  The only textbooks we used were Saxon math.  On the flip side, I also took classes at the community college my last two years, which can be pricey for 'homeschooling'.  This is what most of my homeschool friends did as well.  If you can afford to, taking college classes during highschool really helps once you get into college becuase you can jump right into your core degree classes.  It might be more pricey than online schools or buying textbook curriculums, but I highly recommend getting college experience and gen. ed.'s out of the way.

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