
In general, is this year going to be warmer this year temperature wise than last year(2007)?

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  1. Hound Dog, I am basing my answer on nothing more than my own gut instinct, but yes, it is going 2 be. If I get proved wrong, I will be entirely ok with that.

    *FYI*   if plans come 2 pass as hoped I will be in ontario       canada next winter, so warmer weather would be groovie(but I am not banking on it)



  2. Nothing much can be determined by last winter or the heating that we have already had.   Weather goes in cycles and we are in one now but I think is changing, at least over Florida.

  3. I am thinking yes. the Global warming problem is growing.

    I am thinking about 12F higher than last year.

    People say they want global warming to stop, so why dont they do anything about it??

    I live in NY state and it is always alittle warmer every year.

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