
In general, what's considered a good/average GRE score to get into grad school?

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What's an average/acceptable GRE score? I am a bad test taker (didn't do well on the SATs). Just graduated from undergrad with a 3.82. It doesn't look like my GRE scores will be too hot. Is a 3.82 and decent recs good enough to get me into grad school? I'm not looking to apply to an ivys or top tier schools. I'll be in a humanities based program if that's of any help.




  1. This really depends. Look at the schools you want to apply to and they all have to disclose past average GRE scores. So each school has a range, and some schools have a minimum cutoff. Doc programs are also a lot more competitive than Masters, so you might look to start off with a Masters and then apply to a doc program later. You should be able to get into a Masters with scores in 500's for both, and into a Doc program with scores in the 600's, although some take high 500's too, again, depending on the program. Good luck!

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