
In general, what is better for you; fruits or vegetables?

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I know you need a healthy balance and mix of protein, fats, carbs, vitamins, minerals..that isn't my question. I want to know which gives you the most benefit overall.




  1. Leafy green vegetables... they are packed with many vitamins and minerals along with antioxidants.

  2. I'd say vegetables because you can get more fiber, vitamins and minerals from veggies.

  3. Well if you had to pick one or the other:

    Eating vegetables, not fruit, helps slow down the rate of cognitive change in older adults, according to a study published in the October 24, 2006, issue of Neurology, the scientific journal of the American Academy of Neurology...continued at source.

  4. Vegetables tend to be more balanced than fruit. Most fruits are high in sugars, and although it's not the processed corn syrup that's in cola, it's still sugar. Vegetables are actually almost as high as fruits in things such as vitamin C. A serving of broccoli has almost as much Vitamin C as an orange.  

  5. hey..thats a really good question..i never thought of that! well i dont kno either. im answering this question so it goes on my profile so i can see the other answers so i can find out whats better for you too!

    thanks for asking this question!

    [[2 points]]

  6. I would say veggies.  Fruits have a lot of sugar, even if it's a "natural" sugar, it's still sugar.  

  7. Well, they both have their benefits. It would probably be wiser to eat a greater volume of veggies because they have less sugar. Choose colorful vegetables when you can, because they tend to have more nutrients. Fruit is still really good for you but it does have a lot of sugar, so eat slightly less. They're still definitely worth eating because of the vitamins and other nutrients found in them (many fruits have lots of antioxidants, as well).

  8. The answer is neither of them ~

    Fruit gives the body certain benefits that you can't get in other things ~ exactly as veg does.

    The one thing is, don't over cook veg because then you loose the goodness.

    Another tip is that with veg, when you cook it, the old saying about what grows underground you put into cold water and what grows above ground you put into boiling water is true ~ and with any green veg, cabbage, spinach etc., leave the lid off when you are cooking it and it stays green.

    So in general ~ both do you good, and both are eaten at different times ~ fruit at breakfast or during the day as a snack and veg with lunch or dinner.  

  9. veggies have fewer calories in general.  so i think they're slightly better.

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