
In general, what is the difference between what a Filipina expects on a date vs. an American girl

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What are the differences and what impresses them?




  1. If the Filipina was raised in Philippines she will expect considerable more respect and chivalry than an american girl.  

  2. Money for sure

  3. i doubt there is anything different.

    depends how strong her Philipine traditions are.

  4. be the perfect gentleman. open doors for her. and just be very respectful. forget about s*x. don't even go close to that. she will expect to be treated like a lady. this is all assuming she has held on to the old values.  

  5. Speaking for Filipinas, we expect the guy to be courteous and gentlemanly. Generally, we'd expect the guy to pay for dinner and most other things during the date. It would help if the guy comes into the house when he picks her up and greets the parents. This shows respect for her parents. Giving flowers is a plus point with any girl, and if you give a bouquet of her favorite flowers that will surely impress her.

    Filipinas are not into being physical on a date, unless the girl happens to be liberated. But generally speaking, a kiss on the cheek is the most a guy is expected and allowed to do. Hugging, holding hands, an arm around the shoulders are fine if it's the 3rd date onwards; but on a first date, don't expect the girl to allow it. Again, these are all in general. There are also filipinas who can be quite liberated, but they usually also allow physical familiarity more when the guy is already their bf.

    Just treat her with the proper respect and courtesy that you would want your mom or sisters to be treated with.

  6. Be good to her family.  Family ties are generally very important.  And if you don't impress them you won't be back.

  7. Treat her with respect, be gentleman.  

  8. parents may be strict or overly protective in some cases

  9. definitely no s*x on a first date, 2nd, 3rd....... just wait after marriage, ok?

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