
In general, why does it seem like minority men are light years behind white men regarding feminism?

by Guest61232  |  earlier

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Historically, all men oppressed women.

On average, it seems that white men at least try to respect feminism...

I can't say the same for minority men on average...

Is it lack of awareness of this movement...or lack of care?




  1. may I ask where you get your data from. and do you mean minority men in this country or in their own countries?

    this may open the question up a bit.

  2. do you mean "minority men" who come from a different culture to the "white men", and who are not yet familiar with "western culture" and its rules on feminism.... do you think "minority men" are offfended when they are referred to as such? as offended as women are when told to "go back to the kitchen where you belong!" perhaps?

    i sugggest you rethink or reword this question....

  3. Well because "minorities" or just in my situation black people dont have a lot of feminist and dont have much of a reason too. We dont oppress our women nearly as much as the "majority" so no point in giving it much more thought if it doesnt concern us.

  4. Leaving aside the 'which minority?' question, it would seem that people in general tend to need someone to dominate.

    A good example is the ''American Teen System'' where there are a series of tribal / social groupings ~ Jocks, Emos, Nerds and others almost too numerous to mention, who have a degree of hierarchy over each other ~ look down on each other and have a pecking order that I experience as being at least ''very distasteful''.

    By one degree or another, or one form of repression or another, there is not only (apparently) a total lack of mutual respect for each other, but a NEED to express some form of latent aggression which is directed at these 'lower forms'.

    My personal take on this is a 'selfishness' where there is not only an inability to put ones self in the shoes of another, but a amputation of the very mutual care and protection of one another, exhibited as a seeming ''Total Indifference'' to the care and welfare of each other.

    Tribes in most African nations, amongst the various 'Arabic' notions of Nations, and amongst religious groupings, all seem to have a need to experience a 'Superiority' over other lesser groupings which tends to be manifested as 'Oppressiveness'.


  5. Understanding and respecting feminism usually correlates to a higher level of education.  Many minority men are not encouraged to go to College,  Although HS is more about indoctrination and creating a patriotic workforce, College teaches people to think for themselves and think outside the box, questioning their assumptions.  It is necessary to question your assumptions and overcome them, in order to break with tradition.

    A higher education also forces you to look at the "big picture" of the world and not stay cocooned, thinking only of your own small life and your own small problems.

  6. It's just that minority men won't put up with yo stink attitude.

  7. ho u trippin

  8. May be it's because minority women are able to deal with the problem (if there is one) in a way that non-minority women are as yet, unable to.

  9. Sexual repression did not start in this country until the Roman Catholic church took hold in a big way and it has taken centuries for this to be erradicated here to this day. Even 30 years ago women were not treated the same as now. But a lot of religions are less open to the idea of letting women have a say because women could get too powerful and then where would the men be? I know this is v. v. simplified but just look at Afganistan. Until the Taliban got into power women were respected members of the community who went to school and worked etc. Then almost overnight a bunch of extremist muslims,the taliban, got into power and they took away all of womens rights. Girls aren't even allowed to go to school because it would be a waste of time and money with them being so inferior to boys. Unfortunately this attitude is still encouraged in Britain today by some muslims. Afamily in Bucks was taken to court by my daughters school because the only reason the men would let their v. intelligent daughter go to school was to get her to translate for their sons. The school refused to let her so they tried to keep her off school. The school won and last year the daughter passed her 11+ and is doing really well at Grammar school.

  10. "Historically, all men oppressed women" the concept of opression throughout human history is not a gender issue. Did male n***s opress and kill female jews ? Did male romans enslaved a female Europe ?

    Everybody who respects that movement of pedophelia and abuse is a sicko.

  11. Since I represent 49% of the British population, I am in a minority.

    So where is the evidence behind that statement "historically, all men oppressed women"? In fact, is there much more evidence that the truth is that a sizeable proportion of humanity, male or female, is pretty beastly to one another, regardless whether they be men, women, children or 7-stone weaklings.

    I suppose I am categorised white by racists, although a better description of my skin colour is a sort of maggoty off-white with assorted pink and brown blotches (and I always write that on forms to describe my ethnicity where they give me space)... but I do not even try to respect feminism.  I have too much respect for human equality to be able to do that.

  12. What minority are you referring to here?

  13. I think this is because if you are busy fighting for your own rights and equality, you don't feel disposed to worry about that of others.

  14. I can only speak for one minority here.  Black men, at least in my area, have no respect for a lot of things.  That is not to say they don't have respect.  Just in my neighborhood, they don't get a lot of respect given to them, so they have less respect to give out.  As the old saying goes, "Respect my **** and I will respect yours"  Thank you

  15. "minority men"?


    In other countries economics and tradition usually factor in.

    A woman will come into the family with a good dowry of 4 sheep and 5 goats. She cleans house, takes care of the kids, there aren't any office or professional work for women.

    The gender roles are stronger since technology is the great equalizer. And technology isn't traditional among "minority men".

    Y'know, if you're trying to be PC, "men of other ethnicities" is better than "minority men".

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