
In general..can we call from flying plane 30min before landing? I know its not legal...but just in theory..can

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In general..can we call from flying plane 30min before landing? I know its not legal...but just in theory..can




  1. Now it can be done, legally. But only certain airlines have the gear to do this.

  2. There are phones on some planes- you will have to pay to use them. Also, they can only be used when they say it is alright to use electronic devices. If you use it when they say not to, it could interfere with the plane's functioning. If you want to risk that just to tell your friends you're about to land- don't.

  3. You probably wont get reception. Most planes only get reception below 10k feet. And thats ussualy only like that 10 mins or so of the flight.

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