
In general. your opinion on racing as a sport.?

by Guest44887  |  earlier

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plain in simple. what are your thoughts of racing in general.

would you consider it a actual sport or not.

and i dont just mean NASCAR, i mean dirt racing to.

i am writing a paper and would like to hear people's thoughts on it.

and please back up your opinion please. thank you

MY OPINION: i would consider it a sport because it takes strength and its more then just turning left and going around in a circle. its some people's way of life. and you have to respect that.




  1. it IS a sport, these people have to sit in the cockpit of a bumpy rough boiling hot car, you have to have great reaction and skill to go in one well this is my experiences from v8 supercars (australian series)

  2. Racing takes many things into consideration.  You have to have good eye sight, to see whats in front of you as well as in back of you.  You can't be overly heavy and run Formula 1 cars at 215 you need to be in better shape.  But to other racing environments the body's shape isnt always as important...You must have fast reflexes...slow reflexes will shorten your chances of really racing competitively.  Your body also has to be able to take the G- forces at higher speeds with out getting sickened.  Being a race car driver for any form of racing is a high tempered life style...very dangerous.  You have to know the track as well as the car, and be one with the's a sport and an art it or not.  Some don't classify it as a sport but putting your body through things like that isn't always healthy and can be life threatening so the jb must be respected as a sport.

  3. every racing is ok except NASCAR

  4. Ernest Hemingway said it best, "there are only 3 true sports, mountain climbing, bull fighting, and mototsports, all the rest are just men playing kids games."

    I drove sprint cars back in the 70's, and yes I do consider racing a sport.

  5. Mate it is a sport..

    I love it-all sorts too,from dirk bike to Aussie v8 supercars....

    You look at how hard the drivers-riders work,they are sweating like pigs when they either get out of the car or get off the bike..

    Ofcause it is to be concidered a sport..lock at all the prep they have to do before even getting on a bike or in a car,mate they have to think of more than an atletic sportsman does....

    Anyone who thinks it is a simple as jumping in the car and doing 50-100+ laps well go on and show me it takes no Effort and No Brains to be a race car or dirk bike racer...

    Go the Aussies in all sorts of Motor Sports!!!!!

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