
In getting a medical history of an Systemic lupus (SLE) patient, what are the things that I need to ask?

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In getting a medical history of an Systemic lupus (SLE) patient, what are the things that I need to ask?




  1. SLE can have so many manifestations that it's almost impossible to narrow it down to just a few questions; you need to take a really complete history.  What to ask would also depend on whether or not you knew this was SLE before you started or whether that was what you were trying to figure out.

    Generally speaking, assuming the person already knew they had SLE, you would want to know when they were diagnosed, what their typical symptoms were/are, what medications they are/have been on, what their latest imaging and blood work is (have they had a chest X-ray, have they ever had kidney, liver or pancreatic issues, CBC, LFTs, chem 14, antibodies), whether or not they have any other autoimmune problems (allergy, arthritis, DM, asthma), whether or not any close relatives also have SLE or any autoimmune issues, is there anything that seems to set off their flare-ups (sun, foods, stress, illness) or help prevent them?  In women I would also want to know if their periods are regular, if they are anemic (also for men, but especially important in women of child-bearing age) and whether they have had any spontaneous abortions (in case they have concurrent antiphospholipid syndrome.

  2. My daughter has Lupus.  What exactly do you want as answers ?

  3. Previous illness, Meds currently on and for how long.

    Find out what all the lupus has affected-shin, organs.

    With mine, I have kidney problems, my eyes dont produce water, my skin stays dry any when I have a flare up, I get a rash. My body aches.....

    Lupus can cause so many problems. Copies of the patients last bloodwork would be helpful if you can get it.

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