
In ghost hunting what is a orb?

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In ghost hunting what is a orb?




  1. Orbs are a form of energy of an unknown origin, although they're thought by many paranormal researchers to be basic spirit forms. They are rarely seen with the human eye, but they can be viewed with night- vision equipment and recorded with photographic equipment.

    Unfortunately, while orbs can be photographed, they're also the most easily represented by false positives. In other words, there are a lot of things out there that will present orb-like objects in photos. In fact, the majority of the orb photos on the Internet today are incorrectly called so because most folks can't tell the difference between false "orbs" and the real thing.

    True spirit orbs are just what the name implies – orbs. They're round and three-dimensional. They have shape and substance, and many contain a "nucleus" of sorts. If the object in the photograph being analyzed is flat, flat on one side or angular, it's more than likely the result of a reflection or lens flare.

    When I tell someone their photo only contains reflective "orbs," they usually respond by telling me there was nothing reflective in the vicinity because they didn't see anything shiny when they took the photo. What most folks fail to realize is that a flash will reflect off objects most of us wouldn't normally take notice of, such as bugs, dust, pollen and moisture droplets, just to name a few.

    Also, the angle of the light entering your camera can cause a reflection on the camera's own internal mirrors – sort of a rough definition of lens flare.

    Because orbs are so easily misunderstood and misrepresented, they should never be accepted as evidence of a haunting or paranormal event.

  2. On a paranormal standpoint an orb on film or a photo can be explained away by many different things and is rarely viewed as paranormal. Orbs viewed with the naked eye that can not be explained has many theories. My theory is in my 360 blog if you wish to check it out.

  3. An orb is nothing more than an out of focus dust mote.

    i.e. a bit of dust floating just in front of the lens, (so it is out of focus), well lit up, (due to it's proximity), by the infrared nightlight on the camera.

  4. I think that it is a manefestation of a small spirit like a faerie or something.

  5. Orbs are balls of energy. They are mistaken for ghosts but just because you have a real orb in your picture it does not mean that there is a ghost. It means that there is energy present. There are many things that can be mistaken for Orbs such as dust, rain, or camera tricks. so finding true orbs are difficult.

  6. A round thing, presumably.  Ahem.

    I am not convinced about orbs in photos, but then I see dead people all the time and they never seem to have them floating about the place.  Which I am, quite frankly, very relieved about!

  7. Believers believe that it is a physical manifestation of a spiritual entity.  Science, however, has some other explanations.  Chromatic aberations, optical illusions, refracted light, etc.   In this case seeing isn't believing...believing is seeing.  People interprete these phenomena in ways to best fit their needs and belief systems.

  8. most probably ufo unidentified flying object

  9. a spirtual presence

  10. An orb is a round blob of light on a photograph.

    It's actually just a reflection off of the lens of the camera, for the record.

  11. Usually just a peice of dust or some insect floating about pretending to be a ghost. If I were I ghost I certainly wouldnt manifest as a pathetic peice of floating nothing which people try to pass of as proof of the supernatural.

  12. a true orb is a ball of disembodied light that shows that there is a buildup of paranormal energy there.  it is not nessiceraly a ghost.  however, what you find on cameras is dust, water refraction, bugs, various reflections, etc., which makes "orbs" fairly common and if found in a photo and not seed with the naked eye, are discounted as evidence by most ghost hunters.

  13. An orb is usually a small ball of light seen either by the naked eye, or on film and photographs. It's assoiciated with the beginnings of a ghost manifestation. Sceptics will tell you they are flies, dust or's up to you to decide.

    Try watching "Most Haunted" @ 9pm on LivingTV, there are lots on that and they often explain what they are.

  14. Its a sphere shaped crystal ball.


  16. in ghost hunting an orb is pretending that a piece of dust, or something close to the lens is a spiritual presence.

    In the real world it is just something close to the lens.

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