
In golf, doesn't the flag get in the way of holes-in-one/other non-putt shots?

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Does this bother anyone else? I don't play, so maybe that's my problem, but just watching I keep feeling like, 'but the pole's in the way!!' I know there's technically room for the ball to still go in, but just logically, there are certainly some shots which would go in were the flag not there. If I played, that would really annoy me...




  1. You seem to really search for things to get annoyed about, you don't even play the game and you're annoyed.  Actually you see the flag gives a little, so it actually helps a lot of shots to go in the hole, that might have skipped over if the flag were not there.  If a player does not want the flag in, they can always remove it anytime they want.

  2. I think that considering how hard it is to actually "hit the flag" from the fairway or a tee on a par three, the situation dosnt really come up that often.  Also, the majority of the time, when a ball hits the flag from off the green, it is moving too fast for it to go in the hole if there was no flag.  If it hits the flag, it actually gives it a better shot at going in the hole, because it slows down or stops the ball in its tracks.

  3. Since you don't play, you won't understand this - but without a flag, you would not know where on the green the hole was cut for a particular.  That information is critical, even on your tee shot from a par 5.  You need to know where you want the ball to wind up when it hits the green.  If you have a flag in the front right that is guarded from the right side by a bunker, you need to know that so that you aim your tee shot or lay-up shot to land on the left side of the fairway so that you have an accessible shot at knocking it close.  There is nothing more frustrating that getting to the green to see that you have a long chip shot or worse yet a 50-60 foot putt all because you played the hole poorly with your course management.  But hey, if you can see a 4" hole cut out of the ground from 100+ yards away without an identifying marker, more power to you.

  4. If you're not putting, the flagstick usually actually helps you more often than not. If you're on target but hit it too hard, the flag will at least slow down your ball, if not allow it to drop in. There are really very few shots that are stopped from going in by the flag.

  5. If I hit the flag on my approach shots, that means I'm hitting the ball with laser-like precision.......that's a "problem" I'd love to have!

  6. Tiger Woods' chip-in during the US Open just a week or so ago is a great example of a "non-putt" shot going in despite the presence of the flag in the hole:

    Also, consider that EVERY hole-in-one was made into a hole with the flag still in place.

  7. Yeah, the flagstick could be in the way on occasions, but it could also help. For instance, I was playing in a high school golf match and would've had a chip-in if my teammate didn't pull the flagstick. I ended up making the putt after that, but I wasn't all that happy with my teammate for yanking the stick.

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