
In gym class were playing volleyball and I suck and all my teamates scream and get mad do you have any tips!?

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In gym class were playing volleyball and I suck and all my teamates scream and get mad do you have any tips!?




  1. just when u hit face the other side nd step into it nd dont swing ur arms over ur head cause it will fly behind u! to set make a triangle w/ ur 2 thumbs and pointer fingers then use ur tips of ur fingers nd push!!!!!

    below shows a pic. of setting

  2. Play it, and don't have any special position, just be an extra person, who hits the ball. Try being in a spot where the ball normally dosen't go. When it's time to rotate just do your best, and just believe in yourself. Saying that you can't do it will shoot yourself down. When you think positive you will be able to achieve more things. =] Good luck!!

  3. tell them that you are trying and that u are doing my best but i will work on it

  4. My oldeest daughter played 4 years of high school volleyball and a year of club younger daughter has played a year of school volleyball and is currently playing club.

    First and foremost don't give up...anyone can learn to play.

    Second, buy a volleyball and practice at home...alot!

    Practice "passing"  which when I was in high school was also called bumping.  It's when you place one hand in the other and close your hands so your thumbs are together in the up position.  Keep your elblows slightly bent and out in front of you...practice hitting the ball into the air...not high...just enough to keep control of the ball.

    Practice "setting" which is when the ball is hit from above your head height using your finger tips.  Good practice at home is against a wall....the important thing in any position of the game is controlling the ball.

    The other thing, especially in a team sport is communication.  If you are going for the ball, call it...say "I go" and then follow through.  If you aren't going to go for the ball say "you go" and get out of the way!

    Good luck and remember, it's gym class not professional volleyball...have fun!!!

  5. make sure you are bumping the ball right dont cross your fingers. That's wrong and When you do your serves right YOU MUST MAKE SURE THAT YOUR FIRNGERS ARE GOING THE RIGHT WAY OTHERWISE THE BALL WILL GO THE OPPOSTIE Deriction. ask your Gym teacher for help and just ingore the other people not everyone is perfect because everyone makes mistakes everybody knows what Im talking about Hannah Montana song Noboby's Peferct. Not everyone can be good at everything. Just have fun, and It's just a game.Rember hon, your there for to make the grade to not to be perfect a Volleyball. Ps. If you have anyone spare time pratice your bumps, sets.servesetc. try to get someone to play with you!!  but most in improant keep your eyes on the prize the ball.HAVE FUN- Spolied princess

  6. Start learning how to play volleyball and be a regular volleyball player.  Maybe this is a great chance for you to pick up a sport.

    It's really great in many ways....recreation, fitness, stengthening............above all it's fun and good for your health.

    You also get to meet people and make friends.

    It's a great sport in which men and women at all age groups can play together and have fun.

    First, learn basic skills and pepper a lot to master them.

  7. You have 2 choices:

    If you happen to be a REALLY bad player it would be least aggravating to let the better players around you cover your spot. Basically you would just move out of the way early so they can get into position.

    If you want to get better at volleyball here's what you do.

    #1: THE MOST IMPORTANT THING - KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE BALL.  Above all else, watch the ball!!!

    #2: Put your arms out together so they will be under the ball, almost straight under so the ball goes straight up (not back over the net) when you hit it.

    #3: When the ball is close, STEP FORWARD INTO THE BALL. Then get out of the way.

    Good luck. It's really not that hard once you can watch the ball all the way until you hit it up.

  8. I play volleyball, and I was pretty good on my team.

    When we had people who sucked playing with us, we practically tried to get to the ball ourselves and not them them get it.

    Anyway, for you, if you are just worried about gym class, dont even worry about getting technical. Dont worry about setting, spiking, and all that stuff.

    Focus on passing, serving, digging and knowing when its your ball.

    Passing is the most important.

  9. There are several different points above that are good.  

    Concentrate on the ball.  Keep your arms out straight and ready to pass the ball.  Do not swing at the ball.  Always expect the ball.  Those pointers should help you with the volleyball aspect.

    The other point I would like to make is to try to get you to not worry about the other people.  They have a problem.  You do not have a problem.  You are trying your best.  Just because you are not as good as they think they are, they want to yell at you.  That makes them feel important and better by making you look bad.  You can not control what other people think.  You can only control what you do.  Try your best in the game and try your best to not listen to them.

    I know that is easy for me to say, but it will be hard for you to do.  Good luck.

  10. I have the same problem, just ignore them and keep on thinking that in 5 years or even 2 days no one will ever remember how badly you are in gym

  11. use it!!  when they start yellin' at you, work even harder!  show em' up!  whatever you do don't talk back or acknowledge them, the coach hates that!

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