
In high school, why does it seem like some teachers actually want you to fail?

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For example, some teachers give pop quizzes, causing students to think 100 times harder about the answers than when they had a chance to study. Other teachers tell you to study for tomorrow's test, which ends up consisting entirely of trick questions in which the answer may look obvious but ends up being a different answer.




  1. Ok, first, there are a few teachers out there trying to get students to trip up.  They weren't paying attention in their teacher training classes.

    On the other hand, if teachers like to give pop quizzes, it is probably on some homework assignment or reading you should have done.  If it didn't make sense, you should ask before class for a better explanation.  This assumes you tried to put a reasonable effort into your work first.

    If you think the test is full of trick questions, it is either (1) a bad test or (2) in a subject that requires you to think carefully (like a logic class, like geometry).

  2. Sounds to me like those teachers are trying to challenge you instead of seeing you coast.  Step up!

  3. Almost no teacher wants one or more of his students to fail. They want the student to pass by at least knowing and if possible mastering the work./

    I gave quiz es that were not announced since I wanted students to do their work on a daily basis. After a few weeks they realized that they had to do that and the quiz grades greatly improved. What you call trick questions may not be trick questions at all. When students know that questions are difficult they are taught to read directions carefully and to know their work well.

  4. Maybe they want to challenge you?

  5. Teachers do not want their students to fail. They want their students to rise to any challenge!!!! When you leave high school and get a job, your boss is not going to tell you how to solve unexpected problems. Life in general, is not going to give you any ideas when something is about to happen. You have to be ready to handle any challenges that come your way. That is what your teachers are trying to get across to you.

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