
In high school can you leave after 10 minutes if your teacher doesnt show up?

by Guest60872  |  earlier

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in collage it is ok but what about high teacher wasnt in my last period on friday and she yelled at us for going home.




  1. In a public high school, I think you need to wait. Usually the principal or another teacher during their conference period will relieve the absent teacher in case of an emergency. Since it is at the last minute, there is no time to call for a Substitute.

    In college, the wait time for a professor is 15 minutes.

    The teacher was wrong to yell at you.  She wasn't there and it was her problem.  She should just move on, instead of shifting the blame to you.

  2. Ha, try it.  That'll be good for a laugh!

    Around here the profs expect you to hang around 15 min at least, but the hi schools want you bolted to the floor all frikkin day.

  3. Hahah, that's funny. In high school, you cannot leave the campus if your teacher doesn't show up. You have somebody go to the office to tell somebody that your teacher never arrived.

    College students are allowed to leave because they are adults.

  4. Hey genius! I teach at a college and if any of my students left after only ten minutes they would be on my c**p list and be lucky to pass the class. So sure , you can leave, but I get to assign the grades. So who gets the last laugh???

  5. No... and no.  In college the policy for a late prof is set by the institution and is generally 15 minutes but then only if it's a one hour class.  The reason those types of rules exist is because college students pay (big time) for tuition.

    In high school you're mandated to attend class by law because the tax payers pay your tuition - so even if the teacher is late you're obligated to stay.  My advice is to quit trying to litigate your way out of class and try learning something meaningful instead.

  6. happens a lot at my school which is ironic because i go to a private school that is supposed to be good but it isn't. but yeah we usually wait like 5 min and then leave because they cant punish us because its their fault.

  7. Hahaa :)

    4th period today (the one before lunch) my teacher never showed up for the whole period! And no other teachers showed up either as a sub, so we just sat and chatted for the first 30 mins then after that we just went out and had 1 hr 30mins for lunch! We walked past some of the teachers while we where eating lunch and they never said anything! :D It was goooood! :)

    And yet my teacher gives us into trouble for being late!? He didn't even show up! :|

  8. Unfortunately no. We tried so many times to do that in high school and it never worked.

  9. You can't leave in h.s.  You're children. (Your parents are your guardians.  School acts as your parent when you are on the campus.)  That is not true in college.

  10. Yeah sure, go, leave.  In fact it is a new rule that also applies at home, if you come home and your parents aren't there in 15 minutes, you have to leave!!!!!

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