
In high school indoor volleyball Can you kick the ball intentially?

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In high school indoor volleyball Can you kick the ball intentially?




  1. Yes.

    In volleyball it is legal to use any part of your body to hit the ball. This includes feet. I wouldn't recommend it though, as you get much better control when you dive for the ball than when you kick it.

    Edit: Ive been reading some of the other answers, and I guess my school must be different from other schools. I go to an international school and I'm in high school, and we can use any part of our body.

  2. O.K. there are a lot of answers here that are similar but I can tell you as a coach what the actual rules are. In high school a ball can't intentionally be contacted with our foot. If the ball is contacted by your foot unintentionally then it is legal. that is the plain and simple answer to your question.

    Volleyball forever everyone.

  3. NO! in high school indoor, it is not allowed anymore. I'm not sure how long ago the rules changed, but I am POSITIVE!!!

  4. to answer the question directly, no you cannot. depressing isn't it? fortunately, you can kick the ball in club. last year at JO's, one of our players had an exchange student visiting us from Brazil. he could play volleyball with his feet, so it threw off blockers. he would jump, flip, then kick the ball really hard down. it was one of the most insane things i have ever seen. the other team always argued that you could not kick the ball over the net, but the ref just said that the attack was legal. he sometimes passed with his feet too, however, he felt more comfortable passing with his platform. now that i am done with my little anecdote, the answer depends on which set of rules you play with, in high school, you can only play the ball with parts of your body from the waist up. in club, you can play the ball with your entire body.

  5. Well... i guess u could but you are sopposed to bump, set or spike the ball.

  6. You are allowed to use your feet. It is actually in the rules that you can use your feet in volleyball for high school and up. But if you have time to get under it then don't. You can any part of your body to hit the ball, including your head but I wouldn't reccomend that. Just make sure not to accidently hit it twice or carry the ball.

  7. Check with your state/province for the high school rules. Some are saying you can and other's are saying you can't. I'm in Canada and in my province you can use any part of your body to keep the ball alive.

  8. Yes. After the ball is served, you can hit the ball with any part of your body.

  9. No, in my state you cannot kick the ball intentionally. If it accidentally bounces off your foot, or shoulder then your other team members can still play it through. Purposeful kicking will cause the opposing team to get a point so it would be kind of stupid to cost your team a point for handling the ball with any part of you but your arms or hands. I would ask your coach about your states specific rules so you don't cost your team for not knowing the rules of the game.

  10. As the above answers have stated, the answer is yes and no depending on the rules you are using.

    In high school, the answer is no.  You may not play the ball with your feet.  

    In USAV club, NCAA women's college, and FIVB international volleyball rules, you may intentionally kick the ball.

    Edited later-I should not assume that the question meant US high schools.

    In US high schools, it is not legal.  Since non US high schools use FIVB rules, it is legal in non US high schools.

  11. nope not in high school...but that'd be fun because there's a lot of times our DS's have dug a ball with their feet or leg but it didn't count... :(

  12. No, but if it accidentally hits your foot its ok.

  13. probably depends on which district your in..for school volleyball.

    in mine you can.

    and professionals can.

    but my middle school couldnt

  14. i dont think you can in high school volleyball however you can kick it in J.O. volleyball. A new rule is that on the first hit on your side you caan hit it as many times as you want(unintentially) like on serve recieve the ball can hit your arms twice while passing. but you cant pass it up to yourself thenplay the ball again.

  15. In my high school, you are not supposed to kick the ball. But if it bounces off your foot unintentionally someone on your team can still play it. Same as if it hits off of somebody's head. You can play it.

    I hope this helped.

  16. no u can no kick a volleyball....... AND NO YOU CAN NT USE ANY PART OF YOUR BODY BESIDES YOUR ARMS.

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