
In high school tennis do they play mostly doubles or singles?

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i don't really know about high school tennis or how it works.




  1. In my highschool when i was there it was doubles mostly but it goes on skill level

  2. They play both. In high school tennis you win a match by team points, counting singles wins and doubles wins.  My son played all four years and he played singles and doubles.  Hope you have fun!

  3. there are different variations, at my school we played 3 singles and 4 doubles. however for the state tournament (in illinois) each school has a chance to send 2 singles and 2 doubles. for this reason on my team the top 2 guys played singles, then the next 4 best guys played doubles and the one after them played 3rd singles and the rest played doubles. in sum schools tho, and i believe in many colleges u have 6 guys on a team and u play both singles and doubles. if u r a good player u have a good chance of playing singles but if u r mediocre then u will probably start of as doubles but practice hard and u can make ur way up to singles

  4. Doubles man. Singles is basically for the best and top players on the team. It kinda sucks, because if your the worst on the team you usually don't play at all during the actual matches if your on JV. (I don't know about varsity).

  5. on a high school tennis team there are three singles, and four doubles teams

  6. they do both

    it just depends on the team and the athletes but usually they do both

  7. It depends on which state you live in but usually the top players will play singles while weaker ones play doubles.  In Colorado the top 3 play singles while there are 4 doubles teams.  In Nebraska there are only 2 doubles and 3 singles so it just depends.  I think some states may even do it like NCAA and have players play both.  Hope this helps.

  8. Wow... there so many different systems. Well, my high school has 4 singles and 3 doubles. They don't pick the top 4 people in the team to singles. They pick whether you are good in doubles or singles, you're play styles. The tops are separated from the JV, they get different training because they are representing the school. My school doubles is probably the advantage of our team. But when I read the answers it seem every school has one more single spot then doubles.

  9. Theres both.

    At my school there are four singles & four doubles.

    It depends on how good you are;


  10. At my high school, we play 3 singles matches and 3 doubles matches. usually, the top three players play singles and then the next best play #1 doubles, then #2 doubles, and so on.

  11. There are 3 singles and 2 doubles on a varsity team. The top 3 players all play singles and then the next best 4 play doubles.

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