
In highschool cheerleading, do you have to know how to do the splits?

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In highschool cheerleading, do you have to know how to do the splits?




  1. It all depends on the cheerleading squad really. Like on the high school i go to they have to be able to do the splits. so I think you should try to work on the splits.

  2. Its not required, but its better if you can.

  3. you should because you will have a better chance of making it!

  4. There are a variety of different answers here because it really depends on your HS's program.  BUT for a good cheerleading team the answer is NO! Definately not!  A skilled team would never do splits as part of a routine- its way too juvenile.  Thats like asking if you need to be able to do a cartwheel.  No, because it would NEVER be asked of you or incorporated into a routine.  However, with the cartwheel example you probably would be asked to do a backhandspring or other kinds of more advanced tumbling.  Similarly, with the splits, although you won't need to do them you should be flexible enough to have good jumps so it is sort of implied.

  5. No but if you  can do them you will be more flexible and your jumps will be a whole lot better. ANd jumps you have to have in high school cheerleading.

  6. yes and no yes if u want to be known as a better cheerleader no if u want to be a good cherleader that doesn't know how to do a split

  7. Not at all.  It really depends on the reputation of the program.

  8. depends on the people trying out and the what the judges want. If no one or only a few have the splits then you'll be fine. If every has there splits and you're no where near getting yours try improving your other skills.

  9. It all depends on you're school. Talk to the coach.

  10. No you don't. but it will help with your toetouch

  11. yeah you have to and also you have to lern to land a jump in the splits

  12. No, but it helps. In time you'll become more flexible if you stretch.

  13. well, that is a really difficult thing to answer

    you will not be judged on it during tryouts but the first day of practice, your coach will probably say "all right girls go sit in your splits for 2 minutes so we can stretch for jumps"

    its not that the splits itself is important, just the flexibility of it and how much it helps with toe touchs.

    Also it depends on how dedicated you guys are. if its a difficult team to make, then start stretching now, and not just your splits. But if it is an average program then it wont matter as long as you can cheer dance and jump

  14. No, but I would recommend learning how anyway. It's really useful.

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