
In his 9 minute speech last night, why didn't Bush mention the economy?

by Guest57417  |  earlier

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In his 9 minute speech last night, why didn't Bush mention the economy?




  1. He is like McCain. They both don't get the economy.

    McCain=Bush= McBush

  2. he cant pronounce that word and even if he could excerptof exxon with record profits and McSame with 4-8 houses nobody wants to hear what he has  to say unless its " gee i'm sorry i suck i resign and endorse Obama who actually wants to fix it"

  3. He doesn't like to point out his parties many failures.

  4. He also didn't mention how he nearly drove McCain to switch parties, or how he smeared McCain in 2000, lol.

  5. No need to mention it. The economy is just fine.

    For some!!

  6. LOL. Could he ?

  7. Because it's the GOP strong suit

  8. I timed him at eight minutes??

    Well, why should he talk about the economy?  According to the neocons, everything is just fine.

  9. You are correct, he should have mentioned the 3.3% growth last quarter.

    Despite the thumbs down the economy did indeed grow by 3.3% last quarter.  I know you guys hate facts but...

  10. He was too busy stating the other obvious....."Did you all know John McCain was a POW?"

  11. Because he couldn't have given a plausible explanation or remedies for his s***w  ups. He preferred to stick McCain with the task.

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