
In home child with toddlers. Need help on how to schedule and lesson plans. Free templates? Awesome!?

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In home child with toddlers. Need help on how to schedule and lesson plans. Free templates? Awesome!?




  1. :-)  Toddlers are a challenge for the schedule...especially an in-home child care and including potty training!  :-)  I'm presently in a similar situation.  We are slowly transitioning into a preschool mode to get ready for the preschool program for the fall.

    Something to consider... do any still take morning naps?  That was one of my biggest problems!  One child would not be going to sleep until 9:30-10 P and then was at my house at about 7:30 A.  That child was SO tired.  Now I think we've got it worked out and he seems to be sleeping by 8:30P and I can keep him up in the mornings.  :-)

    Typical morning for us.

    7:30-8:00 breakfast/teeth brushing

    8:00-8:45- free play

    8:45-9:00- clean up

    9:00-9:30- song singing, abc/shape/color songs and activity and story.  (the key is to keep them going :-)  Incorporate large motor with whenever you can.

    9:30-10:30- "centers".  (I'll give you an example at the end)

    10:30- 10:50- free play or easy clean up play.

    10:50-11:00- wash up for lunch.

    11:00-11:30- lunch

    11:30-12:00- books/puzzles, and other easy clean up activities.

    12:00-1:00- outdoors/large motor

    then nap.  

    Centers:  an art, multiple sensory explorations, and one 1-1.  We are presently starting to add more cognitive into our 1-1 because we are transition to preschool.  Today's example of center rotation (I use pools and tubs to keep the sensory from being spread throughout the kitchen).  

    Our theme is Dr. Seuss

    Art: Easel- painting Dr. Seuss hat red

    Scissors:  In a pool-white paper and two different types of scissors (because our skills vary).  We are snipping these strips to make the white stripes on our painted hat.

    Sensory: Rocks, water in a squirt bottle different containers and tools to work with.

    Sensory:  Incredible foam and tools

    1:1: Name stamping, scissor snipping, and ABAB patterning to complete our cabinent display.  I do a monthly cabinent display with the child's picture and they do an activity with their name.  This week was a picture of them in a Dr. Seuss hat and Dr. Seuss clipart on the top.  I provided red and white strips with squares in them and we stamped their name twice.  Then I helped them cut each one.  Then we matched the letters and then we made a red/white pattern with the letters.  We glued them to the bottom of the display and the remaining letters I let them glue to black paper without help. This let me know who knows how to spell their name and who doesn't.

    I have found that templates do not work well with toddlers.  It's the process that matters not the product.  More often than not I just place the materials out there and let them explore.  Messy...but developmentally appropiate.  The reason why I do "centers" is because I have found that the children can not play together for more than 45 minutes at a time.  Also, when I started this way they were not yet accomplished at cooperative play... this allows them to explore their own way in their own time without others grabbing what they are wanting (which, as you know, is a very typical behavior with toddlers.  :-))

    Sorry so wordy...hope this helps!

  2. Hi

    When I was in school, I found great resources on LessonPlan.Com and Lesson Plan.Com.  Both sites will give you curriculum and pages of activities for you day care.

    Hope this helps


  3. You can look up items (as you stated )at the NAEYC web site. You will find thousands of activities and principles for this age. I encourage you to see some of the work of Dr.Berry Brazelton.  Dr. Brazelton is considered one of the countries foremost expert of infant/toddler development. I would also go to University sites in the child dev. and see what they are doing ....specifically in regards to things that you should observe not just read....IE transitions, toileting, guidance etc.  Good luck to you.

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