
In home daycare?

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how much would you pay to put your child in a home daycare?




  1. Definately depends on your area... where we live...I charge on the "high end" and it's around $2.50...since state "help" is only $2.00/hr.  This is a very sorry situation but that's the way it is.  Most people only make minimum wage around here...very low income... and therefore $2.50/hr is a big chunk out of their paycheck...Now down in the city I've heard $4-5/hr.  My husband just said to me last night...hey we are living in the wrong area LOL  In the paper it states that one individual from Rumford, Rhode Island made 56,000/year for in home day care.  That is 4-5x's what I make and I do a preschool portion!  So just goes to prove that it depends on your area.  Your best bet is to ask around...they aren't going to be too far off from each other.  In home will be cheaper than a center.  Good luck.

  2. it depends what area you live in, then check what the big daycare centers charge. shop around and ask other parents.

  3. please mention which city country are you from because the charges and facitlity provided vary.


    Try this website for prices!

    I know government funding works out to something like £3 per hour in pre-schools...dont know if thats any help :)

  5. Being licensed is a big plus!

  6. It will also depend on whether the caregiver is qualified or not...or even in training. What they are providing (eg snacks, lunch ?)

    Do they have planned things for the children not just everyday stuff?

    What do you expect? If you want quality, you will pay more.

    IN NZ you can pay from around $6.50 an hour...but there are government subsidies available too depending on circumstances. (and that's NZ dollars)

  7. I charge $125 a week for children age 6 weeks to 2 years, $100 a week for 2 years to school-age, and school-age children during breaks, and $50 a week for school-age children during school time. Included in that are all meals, snaks, fluids, and activities.
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